Regulations & Policies


  • These regulations be called Library Regulations of University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Lahore, 2003.
  • "Competent Authority" means Vice Chancellor of the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore.
  • "Librarian" means Librarian of the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore.
  • "Library Committee" means Library Committee of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore as approved by the Syndicate of the University.
  • "Research Scholar" means a person duly authorized to conduct research at the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore.
  • "Student" means any person enrolled at the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore for a degree, diploma or certificate program.
  • "Syndicate" means The Syndicate of the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore.
  • "Teacher" means Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant professor, Lecture and research staff having prescribed qualifications and engaged whole time by the University for teaching students enrolled for certificate, diploma, degree or postgraduate classes and such other persons as may be declared to be the teachers by the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.
  • "University" means University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.
  • "University Library" means Main/Central Library of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.
  • "Vice Chancellor" means Vice Chancellor of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.


  • The following persons shall be allowed to use the Library resources and facilities.
    • Members of all the statutory bodies of the University.
    • Members of the academic and administrative units of the University.
    • Persons holding special permission of the Librarian.
    • All University students having membership of the Library.
  • The following categories of persons shall be eligible to become members of the Library. They shall have the privilege to draw books from the Library to the extent and for the period shown against each, subject to the conditions and restrictions laid down here in.



No. of Books


Members of the Syndicate


14 days

Members of the Academic Council


14 days

Members of the Selection Board


14 days

Member of Board of Studies


14 days

Professor/Associate professor of the University


One Semester

Assistant Professor/Lecturer of the University


One Semester

Contract Teachers


One Semester

Research Associates/Officers


14 days

All other University employees


14 days

Under Graduate Students of the University Who deposited Rs. 2000/- as a refundable Library Security Fee at the time of admission.


14 days

Post Graduate Students of the University who haves Deposited Rs. 3000/- as a refundable Library Security at the time of admission


14 days


  • The persons falling in the above mentioned categories desirous to use the Library must apply on prescribed Library membership forms obtainable from the Library @ Rs. 5/-. The Library membership forms shall be respectively attested by
    • The Dean or nominee of the Dean for under graduate students
    • The DASR or nominee of the DASR for post graduate students
    • The Head of Department for University employees
    • The members of the syndicate, Chancellor's Committee and other Statuary Bodies who are not employees of the University can become honorary members of the Library by submitting application form.
  • On acceptance of the application a non-transferable "Borrower's Library Card" shall be issued to the member. The members shall be permitted to draw books from the Library under regulation 3.2
  • The Borrower's Card shall have to be presented at the time of drawing or returning books.
  • A borrower losing his Card shall at once inform the Librarian in writing and a duplicate Card shall be issued to him on payment of Rs. 25/-.
  • Duplicate Borrower's library card shall be issued to the applicant only if his Library account is clear.
  • Maximum number of books that a member can draw at a time shall be mentioned on the Borrower's Library Card.


Categories of Library Materials

Category "A" includes the latest recommended text and reference books of which only single copies are available. The books in categories A shall not be issued except for short time to a teacher for lecture room/Photostat by special permission of the Librarian.

Category "B" includes all current periodicals, journals, thesis, reports, books on approval and all reference material i.e. News Papers, Magazines, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Atlas, manuscript$, CD-ROMs, Video Cassettes, Slides and other material assigned by the Librarian. The material in category "B" shall not be issued but can be consulted within the Library only.

Category "C" includes all other books of Library and Book Bank. These books can be borrowed as mentioned under regulation 3.2

  • When a request is made for a book already loaned out of the Library, the intending borrower shall be required to fill in a Reservation Slip. As soon as the book is received back in the Library, the intending borrower shall be informed about the availability of reserved book. Such books shall be issued in order of priority determined by the dates of reservations.
  • If a borrower desires to retain a book beyond the prescribed period, he may get it re-issued provided another member does not reserve the book.
  • No Magazine, periodical or newspaper shall be taken out of the Reading Room except by a member of categories (i) to (vi) of Regulation 3.2, for a short time on the provision of a written receipt for the same to the Librarian.
  • Members of category (viii) of Regulation 3.2 shall have the privilege of borrowing non-technical books only.
  • The Librarian may recall a book urgently required in the Library at any time.
  • Members are advised to inspect the book (s) etc. at the time of issue and bring defects, if any, to the notice of the Library officials at the counter.
  • Members shall get the books issued on their Cards before taking them out of Library. Breach of these Regulations shall entail the defaulters to one or more penalties mentioned below.
    • Fine of the Rs. 500/- per book.
    • Cancellation of Library Membership for the remaining semester/whole period of study and his/her security fee shall be forfeited.
    • Any other disciplinary action as per University Rules and Regulations.
    • Retention of books by any member beyond the prescribed time limit shall entail the following fine.
    • Rs. 20/- per volume per day for text books subject to maximum of double of the prevailing market price of the book.
    • Rs. 2/- per volume per day for reference/special books subject to maximum of double of the prevailing market price of the book.
    • The Librarian may at his discretion, reduce or remit the delay fine.
  • Members shall not damage, mark, or write or highlight on any library book, periodical, map or manuscript. Defaulter shall be required to replace the damaged material with the new one, or pay double of the prevailing market price.
  • Members who lose any library book, periodical, map or manuscript, shall be required to replace the lost material with new one, or to pay double the prevailing market price at the time of payment. These returns shall be deposited in the Account entitled "Cost of Books/Fines" and thus collected amount shall be placed at the disposal of the Librarian for the purchase of new books as per rules.
  • If any volume of a set is injured or lost and it is not available separately, the whole set shall have to be replaced or paid for. The damaged book or set, which has been paid for by a borrower, shall become his/her property.
  • Library Security shall be refunded only within one year of final result notification on the provision of clearance certificate from the Library. The revoked security fee shall be transferred to the Library Account entitled "Cost of Books/Fines" at the end of every financial year by the Treasurer Office. This amount shall also be placed at the disposal of Librarian for the purchase of new books/journals shall not be issued to any student without the provision of clearance certificate from the Library.