Department of Biological Sciences


Department of Biological Sciences is a newly established department under the Faculty of Fisheries and Wildlife. This department is offering two undergraduate degrees i.e., B.S. Biological Sciences & B.S. Botany and one postgraduate degree of M.Phil. Botany at present. Botany is a broad, multidisciplinary subject with inputs from most other areas of science and technology. Research areas include the study of plant structure, growth and differentiation, reproduction, biochemistry and primary metabolism, chemical products, development, diseases, evolutionary relationships, systematics, and plant taxonomy. Botanical research has diverse applications in providing staple foods, materials such as timber, oil, rubber, fiber and drugs, in modern horticulture, agriculture and forestry, plant propagation, breeding and genetic modification, in the synthesis of chemicals and raw materials for construction and energy production, in environmental management, and the maintenance of biodiversity.

The scope of biological sciences deals with the utility of plants and animals in relation to mankind. The course contents of biological sciences are so vast that the number of branches covering it is on the increase. Branches like morphology, anatomy, histology and cytology give us an idea about what plants and animals are, and to what extent they are diverse. The scope of biological sciences also includes the benefits derived from the plants and animals. The entire living world, right from microscopic life to higher vertebrates, is directly or indirectly de­pendent on plants. Botany, along with its allied branches, provides employment op­portunities. It is a prerequisite for studying medicine or pharmacy. There is also enormous employment scope in academics, agriculture, horticulture, for­estry, etc. Biological sciences is a key discipline in the universities to achieve sustainable development. The graduates will have different options for going into M. Phil and Ph. D. studies, be employed in different schools, colleges, various public and private departments/organizations like, Wildlife, Forestry adopting their own entrepreneurship and create further employment opportunities. Specifically, a graduate of the proposed programme is expected to have the broadened and consolidated basic and applied botanical and zoological knowledge in both theory and practical, deepened and consolidated research based knowledge in selected areas, enhanced competence in designing and managing experiments and implementing projects.

Department mandate also includes

  1. To conduct basic and applied research in areas of Biological science and technology through institutional and collaborative efforts
  2. To conduction of problem oriented basic and applied research with the involvement of undergraduate students.
  3. To create awareness by arranging need base seminars and hand-on trainings and workshops with collaboration of various public and private departments/organizations like, Agriculture and Forestry

Our staff and faculty also take pride in teaching, advising and public outreach. Our advising staff provides personal attention to our students. Department Head, Faculty and advisors have an “open door” policy for students that provide a family-oriented atmosphere. The faculty intends to equip the students with necessary expertise & skills to cater the growing employment needs of this sector in the country and abroad.