Fisheries & Aquaculture |
- Use of probiotics formulated diets as biological control of infectious diseases of Indian major carps. PI: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sharif Mughal Co-PI: Dr. Noor Khan (Submitted to HEC Rs. 7.2 Million).
- Reproduction, Culture and Conservation Strategies of Magur Catfish (Clarias batrachus). PI. Dr. Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman. CO-PI: Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Submitted to HEC-Pakistan. Amounting Rs. 3.921-Millions
- Effect of pollution on fish biodiversity, genetic makeup and meat quality in Punjab province. PI. Dr. Sumaira Abbas. (Rs. 7.465 million submitted to HEC, Dated. 29-11-2011).
- Role of Cyprinus carpio in Nutrient Dynamics of Fish Ponds under Polyculture System. PI. Dr. Sumaira Abbas. (Rs. 2.4 million submitted to HEC).
- Modulation of trypsin mRNA transcription by different nutrients in Indian major carps feeds. PI: Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, CO-PI: Dr. Fayyaz Rasool, Submitted to HEC-Pakistan. Amounting Rs. 7.434-Millions
- Population genetic of Mystus seenghala and Wallago attu being exposed to anthropogenic stressors in natural water bodies. PI: Dr. Fayyaz Rasool, CO-PI: Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Submitted to HEC-Pakistan. Amounting Rs. 9.574-Millions