Clinical Medicine and Surgery |
Modern Dairy Farm ManagementA seminar on “Modern Dairy Farm Management” was held on November 14, 2014 at Conference Hall of University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore in collaboration with Solve Agri Pak (Pvt) Ltd. Mr. Anne Terpstra, a Dairy Expert/Certified Trainer, from Netherlands was the resource person. The Netherlands is recognized globally for its expertise in highly sustainable and highly intensive agriculture. More than 60 postgraduate students from various disciplines at UVAS actively participated in the seminar. Mr. Haroon Lodhi, Mr. Hasnain Gardezi, Dr. Waseem Shaukat from Solve Agri were also present on the occasion. The seminar was started at 5:30pm with Recitation from the Holy Quran. After brief introduction/resume of the resource person, Mr. Anne Terpstra was on the dice for his talk. Mr. Anne detailed the key features of modern dairy farming in Netherlands that make the Netherlands a spearhead in dairy production and management. During his talk, Mr. Anne demonstrated the Cow-Signals-Diamond and emphasized the role of feed, water, light, air, rest, and space in modern dairy farming. Mr. Anne, very nicely demonstrated the weakest links and the strongest links at dairy farm using his laptop charger. He also shared with the participants, his experiences while his visits to various countries like Germany, France, India, USA, Middle East and Pakistan. The way of Mr. Anne’s talk was very impressive (Gestures, movements, action, coating examples from within the students). At the same time, the response, interaction and discussion by the students was marvelous. I don’t thing, if there is a single student who did not participated in the discussion or asked a questions. Mr. Anne also admired the active participation of the students that set this seminar a good example of interactive learning. The seminar was ended at 8:00pm.