Dr. Hammad Saleem

B.Sc. Pharm.D (IUB), M. Phil in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (IUB). R. Ph (Pb.) 

Tel: 92-42-99214341
Mobile: 0335-7885316 
Email: hammad.saleem@uvas.edu.pk


Dr. Hammad Saleem, is a lecturer of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPS), University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore, Pakistan. He holds Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D) and Masters of Philosophy (M. Phil) degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). During his M. Phil research he performed phytochemical and biological evaluation of Jatropha gossypifolia and Euphorbia granulata plants belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae.
He started his career in 2009 in Sales and Marketing as Medical representative and served at Novartis pharma, Bayer schering pharma and Hilton pharma for almost 2 years.
He was appointed as lecturer in IPS w. e. f., November 20th, 2012. For the last three years he has been actively involved in teaching of undergraduate pharmacy students to align the undergraduate theory and practical training with the international trends in practice, research and teaching of pharmacy subjects. He is skilful in conducting research in phytochemistry and isolation and separation techniques, Anticancer and Anti-inflammatory studies. He has attended various Trainings and seminars to strengthen his intellectual ability.

Areas of Interest

    1. Teaching and research in pharmacy subjects especially Medicinal Chemistry, Marketing and Management, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
    2. Screening, separation and Evaluation of various plant extracts for their Anti-Diabetic, Anti-cancer, antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties.



  • Medicinal values of Herbs and Plants, Importance of Phytochemical evaluation and Ethnopharmacological Screening: An Illustrated review essay. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Sciences. Vol. 2(1)Pp. 6-10, 26 Mar., 2014. ISSN 2315-8824.
  •  A Short History of Evolution of Indigenous Plants and Medicine System. Journal of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine www.iiste.org.ISSN 2222-5668 (Paper) ISSN 2222-4807 (Online) Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013.