Facilities Available at IBBt
Different labs of IBBT are equipped with following instruments;
- Facility of Laboratory Rodents Available in IBBt at UVAS.
- Nano Drop 2000 (Thermoscientific)
- ABI prism 3130xl Genetic Analyzer
- Real-Time PCR System
- Gel Documentation Systems
- Gradient PCR Thermocyclers
- Gradient Centrifuge Machine
- Micro centrifuge
- Nano centrifuge
- Chromatographic Apparatus
- Cell Culture Incubator
- Heating Digester
- Muffle Furnace
- Fermenter
- Incubator
- Water distillation equipment
- Double beam spectrophotometer
- Shaking incubator
- Weighing balance
- pH meter
- Hot air oven
- Soxhlet Apparatus
- UV light Trans illuminator
- Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
- Hot plate magnetic stirrer
- Refrigerated Centrifuge machine
- Microwave oven
- Biosafety cabinet
- -20°C Refrigerator
- -40° C Refrigerator
- -80° C Refrigerator
- Gel Doc (MERADD (ICCC)
- Microscopes
- Melting point Apparatus
- Conductivity meter
- Orbital Shaker
- Refrectrometer
- Polarimeter
Largest DNA Bank:
IBBt have the largest DNA bank of the country containing the genome of pure breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, birds and pathogens from all over the country. Beside this we have comprehensive number of DNA samples of human suffering from different genetic disorders. The strengthening of DNA Bank of IBBt is continuously going on by frequent sampling country wide.
Post Graduate Molecular Biology Laboratory
Post Graduate Biochemistry Laboratory
Molecular Biology and Genomics Lab
Biochemistry Laboratory
Cell Culture Lab
Undergraduate Lab
Gene Cloning Lab