Poultry Advisory Services (PAS)
Advisory Services
Important Breeds
Fayomi (Misri)
- Exotic Egyptian breed imported.
- Scavenging ability, good livability, adaptability
- Smart body & chest, single comb, less feed intake.
- Light weight (♂ 2kg, ♀1.6 kg)
- Age at maturity (18-20 weeks)
- Average egg production 180 eggs but egg size is small
- Average egg weight 46 g
- Hatchability 78%
Rhode Island Red (Golden)
- Exotic American imported breed.
- Good scavenger but sensitive to high temperature
- High feed intake as compared to Fayoumi
- Broader chest and large comb size
- Body weight (♂ 3-3.8kg, ♀2.5-3.0 kg)
- Age at maturity 20 weeks
- Average annual egg production 200 eggs
- Average egg weight 52 g
- Hatchability 75%
Black Australorp
- Exotic Australian imported breed.
- Black color is not liked by rural people
- Body weight (♂ 3-3.5 kg, ♀2.5-3.0 kg)
- Age at maturity 19-20 weeks
- Average annual egg production 210 eggs
- Egg color is white
- Average egg weight 50 g
- Hatchability 80 %
Desi / Non- Descriptive
- Desi should not be confused with organic chickens. It is an indigenous breed of Asian subcontinent. It is explained as non-descriptive as the local Desi chicken is randomly crossed with other breeds like Fayoumi, Aseel, Rhode Island Red etc. due to which traits of Desi breed have been mixed with the traits of other breeds, so called as non-descriptive.
- The traits (color, comb type, size, body weight, egg number and egg weight etc.) of Desi breed can be varied from individual to individual.
- Native breed, well adapted to local conditions.
- Different plumage colors and patterns including Light Brown, Desi Black and Desi Silky
- Body weight (♂ 1.6kg, ♀1.2kg) (may vary)
- Average annual egg production 80-120 eggs
- Average egg weight 45-55 g
- Hatchability >80 %
Naked Neck
- Native breed, suits well in hot and humid areas
- Good scavenger with immunity against diseases and high ambient temperature
- More stout legs, hooked nails which help in scavenging
- Feather joint is hollow and crop size is less than other breeds
- Age at maturity 160 days
- Average egg production 120 eggs per year
- Average egg weight 45 g
- Hatchability >75 %
- Breed for excellent meat producing qualities.
- Ancestors of White Cornish (Ancestor of modern broiler)
- Long strong legs, short & broad breast, straight back
- Long neck with pea comb.
- Expensive birds mostly used in cock fighting.
- Egg production 40-60 eggs per year.
- Varieties i.e. Lakha, Mushki, Mianwali, Sindhi & Peshawari, Jawa
- Research work at UVAS to exploit its genetic potential of meat production.