Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf
Associate Professor
Office: +92 (42) 9921 1449 (Ext) 433
Email: drmshahbaz@uvas.edu.pk
Being as a veterinarian, I specialized in the field of physiology. In my research carrier, as a student of physiology, I worked with nutritional modulation of poultry health, immunity, endocrinology, and growth performance. I earned vast experience during this period by working in national and international laboratories. However, as an independent researcher, I choose to work in the field of thermal stress physiology and environmental physiology, with special emphasis on effects of environmental pollutants and nanoparticles on health and performance of different animal species like poultry, mice, rats, and rabbits.
Areas of Interest
- Theme 1: Thermal Stress Physiology
Thermal stress is becoming a major environmental concern with the advancement in global warming. It adversely affects the overall health and performance of animals as well as human beings by deteriorating the redox status, hormonal balance, and immunity. This ultimately led to poor performance, gastrointestinal disturbances and enhan0ced diseases susceptibility. Therefore, I am studying the impact of high ambient temperature on different physiological attributes to understand the mechanism at biochemical and molecular levels. At the same time, I am focusing on the modulation of perturbations induced by thermal stress by supplementing different molecules and agents like amino acids, trace minerals, antioxidants, phytobiotics, prebiotics, and probiotics. The long term goal is to identify the biochemical and molecular key checkpoints and development of nutritional strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of heat stress by employing different animal species including poultry and rodents. - Theme 2: Modulation of Health by Environmental Pollutants
Massive industrialization and deforestation are continuously pushing the environment towards critical limits. The environmental reaction to this scenario is translated in the form of health hazards that include chronic respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, and metabolic events and therefore high morbidity and mortality. Keeping in view the significance of practical toxicology, at present, I am studying the impact of environmental pollutants like plasticizers and heavy metals on metabolic, renal, neuronal, and endocrinological responses by using rodent models. The long term goal is to understand and identify the molecular mechanisms and key regulatory points in the development of chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and organs failure after exposure to environmental pollutants.
- Malik, M.I., Rashid, M.A., Yousaf, M.S., Naveed, S., Javed, K., Nauman, K. and Rehman, H.U., 2021. Rumen morphometry and sorting behavior of fattening male goat fed pelleted and unpelleted TMR with two levels of wheat straw. Small Ruminant Research, 196, p.106316. (Impact Factor: 1.273) [More Information]
- Numan, A., Qureshi, A.B., Khan, F.F., Masud, F., Ahmad, I., Ashraf, K., Ahmad, N., Yousaf, M.S., Rabbani, I., Zaneb, H. and Rehman, H., 2021. Effect of Duration of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2 on Electrophysiological Indices of Sensorimotor Nerves in Subjects with Diabetic Polyneuropathy: A Cross-Sectional Study. Pakistan Journal of Zoology [More Information]
- Abbas, S., Yousaf, M.S., Ahmad, I., Rehman, H., Mahmood, A.K., Ashraf, S., Blouch, R.S., Shahzad, A.H., Nak, Y. and Nak, D., 2020. Evaluation of serum analytes in pregnant and non-pregnant dairy cows as indicators of pregnancy. South African Journal of Animal Science, 50(5), pp.766-772.(Impact Factor: 0.456) [More Information]
- Malik, M.I., Rashid, M.A., Yousaf, M.S., Naveed, S., Javed, K. and Rehman, H., 2020. Effect of Physical Form and Level of Wheat Straw Inclusion on Growth Performance and Blood Metabolites of Fattening Goat. Animals, 10(10), p.1861 (Impact Factor: 2.321) [More Information]
- Rabbani, I., Rehman, H., Martens, H., Majeed, K.A., Yousaf, M.S. and Rehman, Z.U., 2020. Carbonic anhydrase influences asymmetric sodium and acetate transport across omasum of sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. (Impact Factor: 1.243) [More Information]
- Abbas, S., Rashid, M.A., Yousaf, M.S., Ashraf, S., Rabbani, I., Zaneb, H., Tahir, S.K., Shahzad, A.H. and Rehman, H., 2020. Effect of maternal yeast feeding on dam performance and serum health biomarkers of Beetal goat kids. South African Journal of Animal Science, 50(2), pp.281-290.(Impact Factor: 0.541) [More Information]
- Abbas, S., Rabbani, I., Zaneb, H., Yousaf, M.S., Ashraf, S., Shahzad, A.H., Rashid, M.A. and Rehman, H., 2020. Effect of Live Yeast Supplementation on Dry Matter Intake, Body Condition Score, Body Weight, and Serum Health Biomarkers of Beetal Goats during the Transition Period. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 52(5).(Impact Factor: 0.542) [More Information]
- Ashraf, S., Zaneb, H., Masood, S., Yousaf, S., Usman, M.M., Rehman, H.F., Sikandar, A., Shah, M. and Rehman, H., 2020. Growth performance, hormonal dynamics and intestinal microarchitecture in broilers fed β-galacto-oligosaccharides during cyclic cold stress. JAPS, Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 30(2), pp.288-297. (Impact Factor: 0.529) [More Information]
- Numan, A., Khawaja, K.I., Qureshi, A.B., Yousaf, M.S., Rabbani, I., Zaneb, H. and Rehman, H., 2020. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Diabetic Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy in Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus Type-2 Individuals in Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 52(3). (Impact Factor: 0.431) [More Information]
- M. I. Malik, M. A. Rashid, M. S. Yousaf, S. Naveed, K. Javed, H. Rehman. 2020. Effect of physical form and level of wheat straw inclusion on growth performance and blood metabolites of fattening goat. Animals, Accepted. IF: 2.323.
- S. Ashraf, H. Zaneb , S. Masood, M. S. Yousaf, M. M. Usman, H. F. Rehman, A. Sikandar, M. Shah, H. Rehman. 2020. Growth performance, hormonal dynamics and intestinal microarchitecture in broilers fed β-galacto-oligosaccharides during cyclic cold stress. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences,30: 288-297. IF: 0.481.
- M. K. Shahzad, I. Rabbani, S. M. H. Andrabi, H. Zaneb, M. S. Yousaf, K. A. Majeed, S. K. Tahir, S. Ahmad, H. Rehman. 2020. Seasonal influence on serum kisspeptin level and its association with hormonal levels and semen kinematics of Buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis). Veterinary Research Forum, Accepted. IF: 0.893.
- S. Abbas, M. A. Rashid, M. S. Yousaf, S. Ashraf, I. Rabbani , H. Zaneb, S. K. Tahir, A. H. Shahzad, H. Rehman. 2020. Effect of maternal yeast feeding on dam performance and serum health biomarkers of Beetal goat kids. South African Journal of Animal Science, 50: 281-290. IF: 0.847.
- A. Ahmed, M. Ayaz, D. H. Mughal, A. Rehman, M. H. Mushtaq, M. S. Yousaf, B. U. Din, A. Riaz. 2020. Anti-oxidative effect of L-lysine on post thaw quality of Nili-Ravi buffalo bull semen (Bubalus bubalis). Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 30: 612-618. IF: 0.481.
- A. Numan, K. I. Khawaja, A. B. Qureshi, M. S. Yousaf, I. Rabbani, H. Zaneb, Habib Rehman. 2020. Prevalence and risk factors of diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy in diagnosed diabetes mellitus type-2 individuals in Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 52: 1217-1220. IF: 0.000.
- Tahir, S.K., Yousaf, M.S., Rashid, M.A., Khan, A.F., Ahmad, S., Zaneb, H., Khan, I. and Rehman, H., 2019. Supplemental chromium-loaded chitosan nanoparticles affect growth, serum metabolites and intestinal histology in broilers. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49(6), pp.1072-1082. (Impact Factor: 0.541)[More Information]
- Qamar, Z.A., Rashid, M.A., Pasha, T.N., Malik, M.I., Saleem, A., Raza, M., Rehman, H.U. and Yousaf, M.S., 2019. Carryover effects of varying hay concentration on the transition to silage-based feeding of weaned dairy calves. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49(6), pp.1028-1035. (Impact Factor: 0.452)[More Information]
- Tahir, S.K., Yousaf, M.S., Ahmad, S., Shahzad, M.K., Khan, A.F., Raza, M., Majeed, K.A., Khalid, A., Zaneb, H., Rabbani, I. and Rehman, H., 2019. Effects of Chromium-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles on the Intestinal Electrophysiological Indices and Glucose Transporters in Broilers. Animals, 9(10), p.819. (Impact Factor: 1.832)[More Information]
- Bilal, W., Tahir, S.K., Siddiqua, A., Yousaf, M.S. and Ahmad, S., 2019. Effects of supplementation of zinc sulphate and lactobacillus based probiotic on redox status and liver health in broilers. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg (Impact Factor: 0.106)[More Information]
- Rehman, K.U., Zaneb, H., Qureshi, A.B., Yousaf, M.S., Numan, A., Majeed, K.A., Rabbani, I., Khan, T.M. and Rehman, H., 2019. Correlation between testicular hemodynamic and semen quality indices in clinical varicocele patients in Pakistan. BioMed research international, 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.583)[More Information]
- Mehmood, W., Rabbani, I., Stumpff, F., Yousaf, M.S., Zaneb, H., Majeed, K.A., Tahir, S.K., Rashid, M.A. and Rehman, H., 2019. In Vitro Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Electrophysiological Indices and Sodium-Dependent Glucose Transport Across Jejunal Mucosa in Laying Hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 28(2), pp.271-277. (Impact Factor: 1.08)[More Information]
- S. K. Tahir, M. S. Yousaf, M. A. Rashid, A. F. Khan, S. Ahmad, H. Zaneb, I. Khan, H. Rehman. 2019. Supplemental chromium-loaded chitosan nanoparticles affect growth, serum metabolites and intestinal histology in broilers. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49: 1072-1082. IF: 0.847.
- Z. A. Qamar, M. A. Rashid, T. N. Pasha, M. I. Malik, A. Saleem, M. Raza, H. U. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf. 2019. Carryover effects of varying hay concentration on the transition to silage-based feeding of weaned dairy calves. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49: 1028-1035. IF: 0.847.
- S. K. Tahir, M. S. Yousaf, S. Ahmad, M. K. Shahzad, A. F. Khan, M. Raza, K. A. Majeed, A. Khalid, H. Zaneb, I. Rabbani, H. Rehman. 2019. Effect of chromium loaded chitosan nanoparticles on the intestinal electrophysiological indices and glucose transporters in broilers. Animals, 9: 819. IF: 2.323.
- W. Bilal, S. K. Tahir, A. Siddiqua, M. S. Yousaf, S. Ahmad, M. Naseem, M. Shah, S. Iqbal, H. Rehman. 2019. Effects of supplementation of zinc sulphate and lactobacillus based probiotic on redox status and liver health in broilers. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, 69: 9. IF: 0.545.
- K. U. Rehman, H. Zaneb, A. B. Qureshi, M. S. Yousaf, A. Numan, K. A. Majeed, I. Rabbani, T. M. Khan, H. Rehman. 2019. Correlation between testicular hemodynamic and semen quality indices in clinical varicocele patients in Pakistan. BioMed Research International, 6. IF: 2.276.
- W. Mehmood, I. Rabbani, F. Stumpff, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb, K. A. Majeed, S. K. Tahir, M. A. Rashid, H. Rehman. 2019. In vitro effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on electrophysiological indices and sodium dependent glucose transport across jejunal mucosa in laying hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 28: 271-277. IF: 1.015.
- M. S. Khilji, M. A. Sandhu, M. S. Yousaf, A. A. Saeed , H. U. Rehman , H. Zaneb and M. A. Rashid. 2018. Differential effects of experimental hyperthyroidism on declined immunity of broiler chicken. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102: e948-e956. IF: 1.244.
- D. H. Mughal, A. Ijaz, M. S. Yousaf, F. Wadood, U. Farooq, S. A. Mahmood, A, Riaz. 2018. Effect of osmotic pressure on spermatozoa characteristics of cryopreserved buffalo bull (Bubalus bubalis) semen. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 46: 274-277. IF: 0.503.
- S. Ashraf, H. Zaneb , S. Masood, M. S. Yousaf, M. M. Usman, H. F. Rehman, A. Sikandar, M. Shah, H. Rehman. 2017. Growth performance, hormonal dynamics and intestinal microarchitecture in broilers fed β-galacto-oligosaccharides during cyclic cold stress. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences,Accepted. IF: 0.381.
- K. A. Majeed, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb, I. Rabbani, Z. U. Rehman, H. Rehman. 2017. In vitro evaluation of the effect of dibutyl phthalate on electrogenic sodium linked glucose transport in isolated rabbit ileum. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 99: 1389–1396. IF: 0.795.
- K. A. Majeed, H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb. I. Rabbani, S. K. Tahir, M. A. Rashid. 2017. Sub-chronic exposure to low concentrations of dibutyl phthalate affects anthropometric parameters and markers of obesity in rats. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24: 25462–25467. IF: 2.741.
- S. Khurram, A. Javeed, M. Ashraf, D. A. Hamdani, J. Nazir, M. S. Yousaf, A. Ghafoor. 2017. Effect of colchicine on cellular immune responses in mice. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences,27: 1496-1503. IF: 0.381.
- S. Ashraf, H. Zaneb, S. Masood, M. S. Yousaf, M. M. Usman, H. F. Rehman , A.Sikandar, H. Rehman. 2017. Influence of β-galacto-oligosaccharide on growth performance and components of intestinal barrier in broilers during heat stress. South African Journal of Animal Science, 47: 616-625. IF: 0.678.
- K. U. Rehman, A. B. Qureshi, A. Numan, H. Zaneb, M. S. Yousaf, I. Rabbani, H. Rehman. 2017. Pressure flow pattern of varicocele veins and its correlation with testicular blood flow and semen parameters. Andrologia, Accepted. IF: 1.458.
- A. A. Saeed, M. A. Sandhu, M. S. Khilji, M. S. Yousaf, H. U. Rehman, Z. I. Tanvir, T. Ahmad. 2017. Effects of dietary chromium supplementation on muscle and bone mineral interaction in broiler chicken. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 42: 25-29. IF: 3.225.
- I. Khan, H. Zaneb, S. Masood, M. S. Yousaf, H. F. Rehman, H. Rehman. 2017. Effect of Moringa oleifera leaf powder supplementation on growth performance and intestinal morphology in broiler chickens. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 1: 114-121. IF: 1.244.
- A. Sikandar, H. Zaneb, M. Younus, F. Khattak, S. Masood, A. Aslam, S. Ashraf, H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf. 2017. Effect of sodium butyrate on performance, immune status, micro-architecture of small intestinal mucosa and lymphoid organs in broiler chickens. Asian-Australasian Journal Animal Science, 30: 690-699. IF: 0.86.
- M. S. Yousaf, I. Ahmad, K. Ashraf, M. A. Rashid, A. Hafeez, A. Ahmad, H. Zaneb, R. Naseer, M. Numan, J. Zentek, H. Rehman. 2017. Comparative effects of different dietary concentrations of β-galacto-oligosaccharides on serum biochemical metabolites, selected caecel microbiota and immune response in broilers. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences,27: 98-105. IF: 0.448.
- M. S. Yousaf, F. Goodarzi Boroojeni, W. Vahjen, K. Männer, A. Hafeez, H. Ur. Rehman, S. Keller, S. Peris, J. Zentek. 2017. Encapsulated benzoic acid supplementation in broiler diets influences gut bacterial composition and activity. British Poultry Science, 58: 122-131. IF: 0.933.
- M. S. Yousaf, I. Ahmad, K. Ashraf, M. Afzal, A. Hafeez, H. Zaneb, R. Naseer, I. Rabbani, J. Zentek, H. Rehman. 2016. Comparative effects of different dietary concentrations of β-galacto-oligosaccharides on growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and organs development in broilers. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 26: 1603-1608. IF: 0.448.
- F. Wadood, M. Aleem, A. Ijaz, N. Ahmad, M. S. Yousaf, D. H. Mughal. 2016. Effect of extender osmolality and butylated hydroxy toluene supplementation on post thaw quality and fertility of nili ravi buffalo bull (Bubalus bubalis) semen. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 26: 605-611. IF: 0.448.
- M. Naseem, M. Q. Zaman, H. Nazih, K. Ouguerram, I. Rabbani, H. Zaneb, T. Yaqoob, H. U. Rehman, J. Michel, S. K. Tahir, M. S. Yousaf, K. A. Majeed, M. S. Hussain. 2016. The effects of ginkgo biloba leaf extract on metabolic disturbances associated to alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 26: 627-635. IF: 0.448.
- Yousaf MS, Goodarzi Boroojeni F, Vahjen W, Männer K, Hafeez A, Ur-Rehman H, Keller S, Peris S, Zentek J. 2016. Encapsulated benzoic acid supplementation in broiler diets influences gut bacterial composition and activity. British poultry science. [More information]
- M. Naseem, M. Q. Zaman, H. Nazih, K. Ouguerram, I. Rabbani, H. Zaneb, T. Yaqoob, H. U. Rehman, J. Michel, S. K. Tahir, M. S. Yousaf, K. A. Majeed and M. S. Hussain. 2016. The effects of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract on metabolic disturbances associated to alloxan-induced diabetic rats. JAPS. 26(3): 627-635.[More information]
- M. Naseem, El-Hassane Nazih, K. Ouguerram, I. Rabbani, H. Zaneb, H. U. Rehman, I. Masood, J. M. Huvelin, M. S. Yousaf and S. K. Tahir. 2016. The effects of Panax ginseng root extract on carbohydrate and Lipid disturbances associated with alloxan-induced diabetic rats. JAPS. 26(5): 1218-1225.[More information]
- A. Numan, F. Masud, K. I. Khawaja, F. F. Khan, A. B. Qureshi, S. Burney, K. Ashraf, N. Ahmad, M. S. Yousaf, I. Rabbani, H. Zaneb, H. Rehman. 2016. Clinical and electrophysiological efficacy of leaf extract of Gingko biloba L (Ginkgoaceae) in subjects with diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Trop J Pharm Res 15: 2137-2145. [More information]
- I. Khan, H. Zaneb, S. Masood, M. S. Yousaf, H. F.-ur-Rehman and H. Rehman. 2016. Effect of Moringa oleifera leaf powder supplementation on growth performance and intestinal morphology in broiler chickens. J Anim Physio Anim Nutr. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12634.
- M. S. Yousaf, I. Ahmad, K. Ashraf, M. Afzal, A. Hafeez, A. Ahmad, H. Zaneb, M. Q. Zaman, J. Zentek, H. Rehman. 2015. Comparative effects of different dietary concentrations of β-galacto-oligosaccharides on serum biochemical metabolites, selected caecel microbiota and immune response in broilers. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, Accepted.
- M. S. Yousaf, I. Ahmad, K. Ashraf, M. Afzal, A. Hafeez, H. Zaneb, M. Q. Zaman, I. Rabbani, J. Zentek, H. Rehman. 2015. Comparative effects of different dietary concentrations of β-galacto-oligosaccharides on growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and organs development in broilers. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, Accepted.
- Z. Riaz, M.-Q. Zaman, Z. Ullah, H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf, I. Rabbani, M. I. Khan, M. S. Hussain, S. K. Tahir, K. A. Majeed. 2015. Bio-physiological effects of Ld50 of crude venom of black Pakistani Cobra (Naja Naja Karachiensis) in mice. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25, no. 5 (2015): 1344-1348.[More information]
- A. Hafeez, A. Mader, I. Rohe, I. Ruhnke, F. Goodarzi Boroojeni, M. S. Yousaf, K. Manner, J. Zentek. 2014. The effect of milling method, thermal treatment and particle size of feed on exterior and interior egg quality in laying hens. Archiv für Geflügelkunde, Europ. Poult. Sci. [More information]
- A. Hafeez, A. Mader, I. Ruhnke, I. Rohe, F. Goodarzi Boroojeni, M. S. Yousaf, K. Manner, J. Zentek. 2015. Implication of milling methods, thermal treatment and particle size of feed in layers on mineral digestibility and retention of minerals in egg contents. Poultry Science, p.peu070. [More information]
- F. Wadood, M. Aleem, A. Ijaz, N. Ahmad, M. S. Yousaf, D. H. Mughal, A. Javid, S. A. Mahmood. 2015. Effect of L-cysteine on post-thaw quality of Nili Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bull spermatozoa cryopreserved in tris citric acid extender. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 25: 301-303.[More information]
- D. A. Hamdani, A. Javeed, M. Ashraf, J. Nazir, A. Ghafoor, M. S. Yousaf. 2015. Effects of ketoprofen on cellular immune responses in mice. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47: 551-557.[More information]
- T. Bashir, I. Rabbani, M. A. Khan, H. Rehman, M. Q. Zaman, K. A. Majeed, M. S. Yousaf, M. I. Khan and F. Sharif. 2014. Effect of anti-piroplasm drug on various physiological indices in healthy mongrel dogs. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 4: 5-10.[More information]
- M. Afzal, T. N. Pasha, M. A. Jabbar, A. Ijaz, H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf. 2013. Influence of weaning regimen on intake, growth characteristics, and plasma blood metabolites in male buffalo calves.Animal, 21: 1-7. [More information]
- M. U. Sohail, A. Ijaz, M. Younas, M. Z. Shabbir, Z. Kamran, S. Ahmad, H. Anwar, M. S. Yousaf, K. Ashraf, A. H. Shahzad, H. Rehman. 2013. Effect of supplementation of mannan-oligosaccharide and probiotic on growth performance, relative weights of viscera and population of selected intestinal bacteria in cyclic heat-stressed broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 22: 485-491. [More information]
- D. H. Mughal, A. Ijaz, M. S. Yousaf, H. Rehman, M. Aleem, H. Zaneb, I. Rabbani, F. Wadood. 2013. The influence of taurine supplementation in lactose egg yolk glycerol extender for cryopreservation of buffalo bull (Bubalus bubalis) semen. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23: 715-720.[More information]
- D. H. Mughal, A. Ijaz, M. S. Yousaf, H. Rehman, M. Aleem, H. Zaneb, F. Wadood. 2013. Assessment of optimal osmotic pressure of citrate egg yolk extender for cryopreservation of buffalo bull (Bubalus bubalis) semen. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 23: 964-968.[More information]
- S. Ashraf, H. Zaneb, M. S. Yousaf, A. Ijaz, M. U. Sohail, S. Muti, M. M. Usman, S. Ijaz, H. Rehman. 2013. Effect of dietary supplementation of prebiotics and probiotics on intestinal microarchitecture in broilers reared under cyclic heat stress. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 1: 68-73. [More information]
- A. R. Khan, M. S. Yousaf, H. Rehman, H. Zaneb, T. N. Pasha, N. Fatima, A. Khushal, A. Ijaz, K. Ashraf, M. Afzal. 2012. Response of maternally isolated rock pigeons (Columba livia domestica) to different dietary concentrations of mannan-oligosaccharide. Poultry Science, 91: 1598-1601. [More information]
- M. U. Sohail, Z. U. Rahman, A. Ijaz, M. S. Yousaf, K. Ashraf, T. Yaqub, H. Zaneb, H. Anwar, H. Rehman. 2011. Single or combined effects of mannan-oligosaccharides and probiotics supplements on the total oxidants, total antioxidants, enzymatic antioxidants, liver enzymes and serum trace minerals in cyclic heat stressed broilers.Poultry Science, 90: 2573-2577. [More information]
- M. U. Sohail, A. Ijaz, M. S. Yousaf, K. Ashraf, H. Zaneb, M. Aleem, H. Rehman. 2010. Alleviation of cyclic-heat stress in broilers by dietary supplementation of mannan-oligosaccharide and lactobacillus-based probiotic: Dynamics of cortisol, thyroid hormones, cholesterol, c-reactive protein and humoral immunity. Poultry Science, 89: 1934-1938. [More information]
- M. Iqbal, M. Aleem, A. Ijaz, H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf. 2010. Assessment of buffalo semen with the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction assay. Journal of Animal Science, 88: 922-925. [More information]
- A. Ijaz, A. Hussain, M. Aleem, M. S. Yousaf, H. Rehman. 2009. Butylated hydroxytoluene inclusion in semen extender improves the post-thawed semen quality of Nili-Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Theriogenology, 71: 1326-1329. [More information]
- M. Adeel, A. Ijaz, M. Aleem, H. U. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf, M. A. Jabbar. 2009. Improvement of liquid and frozen-thawed semen quality of Nili-Ravi buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) through supplementation of fat. Theriogenology, 71: 1220-1225. [More information]
- M. S. Yousaf, Z. U. Rahman, M. A. Sandhu, S. A. Bukhari, A. Yousaf. 2009. Comparison of the fast-induced and high dietary zinc-induced molting: Trace elements dynamic in serum and eggs at different production stages in hens (Gallus domesticus). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 93: 35-43. [More information]
- M. A. Sandhu, Z. U. Rahman, I. J. Hasan, S. U. Rahman, M. S. Yousaf. 2008. Changes in luteinizing-hormone containing gonadotrophs after molting induced by fasting and zinc in laying hens (Gallus domesticus). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 92: 668-676. [More information]
- Z. U. Rahman, S. A. Bukhari, N. Ahmad, N. Akhtar, I. Ahmad, M. S. Yousaf, I. U. Zaq. 2008. Dynamics of follicular fluid in one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius). Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 43: 664-671. [More information]
- M. Numan, M. Iqbal, K. Aqil, M. Habib, M. S. Yousaf. 2008. Polypeptide mapping of different Isolates of Pasteurella multocida bovine origin. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 1: 37-39.[More information]
- M. Numan, M. Siddique, M. A. Shahid, M. S. Yousaf. 2008. Characterization of isolated avian influenza virus. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 1: 24-30.[More information]
- M. Numan, M. Saddique, M. Ashraf, H. A. Khan, M. S. Yousaf. 2005. Quantification of antibodies against avian influenza virus subtype H7N3 in layer flocks in central Punjab. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 7: 564-566.[More information]
- M. Numan, M. Saddique, M. S. Yousaf. 2005. Seromonitoring of avian influenza H9 subtype in breeder and commercial layer flocks. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 25: 151-152. [More information]
- M. Tariq, I. Rabbani, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb, S. Iqbal. 2015. Response of cryopreserved Nili Ravi buffalo bull semen to gallic acid addition in semen extender. International Symposium on Dairy Animal Reproduction (ISDAR), Lahore, Pakistan, March 30-31. JVAS-P17.
- S. K. Tahir, M-. Q. Zaman, M. S. Yousaf, R. Khan, A. Khan, H. Rehman, I. Rabbani, S. Masood. 2014. 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Materials: Translational Research and Commercialization (COMSATS, Lahore, Pakistan, 15-17th December, 2014). Impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth performance and biochemical profile in broilers. (Poster Presentation)
- H. Rehman, I. Zeb, G. Abbas, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb, M. S. Hussain, I. Rabbani, M-. Q. Zaman, M. I. Khan, S. Muti. 2014. Effect of supplementation of yeast cell wall from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on production performance, organs development and intestinal microarchitecture in broilers reared under high ambient temperature. 18th Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 11-13. PO10.
- H. Rehman, I. Ahmed, S. M. A. Anjum, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb, M. S. Hussain, I. Rabbani, M. Q. Zaman, M. I. Khan, M. Awais. 2014. Effects of different sequential extracts of Catharanthus roseus on development of blood vessels using chicken chorioallantoic membrane. 18th Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 11-13. PO23.
- H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf, N. Fatima, A. Ijaz. 2012. Effect of dietary β-galacto-oligosaccharides supplementation on growth performance, cecal microbial population and immune response in broilers. 21st Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, Gottingen, Germany, March 20-22. P138.
- S. Ashraf, H. Zaneb, A. Ijaz, S. Muti, M. M. Usman, M. S. Yousaf, M. U. Sohail, H. Rehman. 2011. Effect of dietary supplementation of prebiotics and probiotics on intraepithelial lymphocytes count in broilers reared under cyclic heat stress. 15th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Zaragoza, Spain, September 14-16. P38.
- H. Rehman, K. A. Majeed, M. S. Dilawer, M. S. Yousaf, N. Fatima, A. Khushal, A. Ijaz, T. Yaqub, H. Zaneb. 2011. Effect of dietary mannan-oligosaccharide supplementation on serum biochemical profiles, faecal consistency, ammonia and microbial ecology in experimentally jejunectomized dogs. 15th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Zaragoza, Spain, September 14-16. P76.
- H. Rehman, A. R. Khan, M. S. Yousaf, T. N. Pasha, N. Fatima, A. Khushal, A. Ijaz, H. Zaneb. 2011. Effect of dietary mannan-oligosaccharides supplementation on growth performance, colonic microbial ecology and immune status of rock pigeons (Columba livia domestica). 15th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Zaragoza, Spain, September 14-16. P77.
- H. Zaneb, S. Ashraf, S. Muti, M. S. Yousaf, M. M. Usman, M. U. Sohail, A, Ijaz, H. Rehman. 2011. Effect of dietary supplementation of prebiotics and probiotics on goblet cells histochemistry in broilers reared under cyclic heat stress. 15th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Zaragoza, Spain, September 14-16. P127.
- H. Zaneb, S. Ashraf, U. Sohail, and M. S. Yousaf. 2011. Dietary supplementation of lactobacillus-based probiotic helps to alleviate the effects of heat stress in broilers. The 3rd International Conference of Indonesian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria (3rd IC-ISLAB): Better Life with Lactic Acid Bacteria Exploring Novel Functions of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, January 21-22. P48.
- A. Ijaz, M. U. Sohail, H. Rehman, M. Aleem, A. Riaz, M. S. Yousaf. 2010. Semen quality index of broiler breeder cockerels subjected to different collection techniques. 2010 ADSA®-PSA-AMPA-CSAS-WSASAS-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 11-15. P228.
- M. U. Sohail, I. Ahmad, H. Rehman, K. Ashraf, M. S. Yousaf, S. Ashraf, H. Zaneb. 2010. Effect of dietary supplementation of mannan-oligosaccharides and lactobacillus-based probiotics on indigenous intestinal bacterial ecology and intestinal microarchitecture of broilers reared under heat stress. 2010 ADSA®-PSA-AMPA-CSAS-WSASAS-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 11-15. P100.
- A. Ijaz, M. U. Sohail, H. Anwar, Z. Rehman, H. Rehman, M. S. Youasf. 2010. Effects of dietary supplementation of mannanoligosaccharides and lactobacillus-based probiotics on growth performance, oxidative status, hepatic enzyme and thyroid hormones in broilers reared under heat stress. 2nd International Veterinary Poultry Congress, Tehran, Iran, February 20-21. P171.
- M. S. Yousaf, M.A. Sandhu, Z. U. Rehamn, M. Numan, N, Ahmad, A. Ijaz. 2008. Comparison of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of tribulus terresteris on androgenic activities. 10th World Conference on Animal Production. Cape Town, South Africa, November 22-28. P68.
- J. A. Khan, Z. U. Rehamn, M. S. Yousaf, A, Ijaz. 2008. Comparison of the fast-induced and high dietary zinc-induced molting: Trace elements dynamic in tissues at different production stages in laying hens (Gallus domesticus). 10th World Conference on Animal Production. Cape Town, South Africa, November 22-28. P68.
- Z. U. Rahman, M. S. Yousaf, A. Yousaf, S. A. Bukhari. 2005. Effects of recombinant somatotrophin on milk production, composition, physiological and hematobiochemical profiles in lactating camel (Camelus dromedarius). 4th NIZO Dairy Conference, Papendal, The Netherlands, June 15-17. P73.
- Z. U. Rahman, S. A. S. Jaspal, M. S. Yousaf, A. Yousaf, S. A. Bukhari. 2005. Effect of different stages of lactation on the composition of milk in camel (Camelus dromedarius). 4th NIZO Dairy Conference, Papendal, The Netherlands, June 15-17. P74.
- M. A. Sandhu, S. Mansur, M. S. Yousaf, Z. U. Rahman. 2004. Immunomodulatory effects of chromium picolinate on Immunological profile in aging rats. 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Immunology, Adelaide Convention Center, South Australia, December 12-16. P147.
- Z. U. Rahman, M. A. Sandhu, M. S. Yousaf. 2004. Dietary antioxidant effects on buffalo blood, colostrum and milk polymorphonuclear cells. 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Society for Immunology, Adelaide Convention Center, South Australia, December 12-16. P211.
- M. Amin, H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf, I. Rabbani and A. Chughati (2018). Electro-physiological evaluation of patients suffering from juvenile epilepsy. Proc. ofResearch Day-2018 at Fatima Memorial Hospital, FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry, Lahore held on 14-04-218. pp: 82.
- H. Rehman,M. Raza, J. A. Khan, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb, I. Rabbani, K. A. Majeed, S. K. Tahir, Z. Rehman and M. A. Rashid.2017. Effect of yeast cell wall on growth performance, immunological response and health scores in early weaned male cattle calves. Proc. 21th ESVCN Congress held 20-23 September, Cirencester, UK.pp:37.
- Habib ur Rehman, Shafaq Nazir, Ahsan Numan, Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf, Hafsa Zaneb. 2017. Electrophysiological attributes of median nerve conduction in carpal tunnel syndrome subjects. Proc. 15th Biennial Conference of Pakistan Physiological Society, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal.pp:33.
- M. Iqbal, I. Rabbani, H. Rehman, H. Zaneb, M. S. Yousaf, K. A. Majeed, S. K. Tahir, Z. Rehman. 2017. Hematobiochemical comparsion of aerobic and high intensity interval training in healthy and diabetic patients. Proc. 15th Biennial Conference of Pakistan Physiological Society, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal. pp:37
- A. Numan, F. Masud, M. S. Yousaf, I. Rabbani, H. Zaneb, H. Rehman, Z. Rehman. 2017. Prevalence and risk factors of diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy in diagnosed diabetic mellitus type-2 individuals in Lahore-Pakistan. Proc. 15thBiennial Conference of Pakistan Physiological Society, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal. pp:62.
- M. G. Khan, S. Masood, H. Zaneb, M. S. Yousaf, S. Ashraf, M.M. Usman, H. F. Rehman, H. Rehman and I. Khan. 2017. Effect of Moringa Oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) supplementation on histomorphmetry of intestine, liver and kidney in rats exposed to cyclic heat stress. Proc. International Conference on Recent Advances in Clinical Research, 19-20 December, 2017 at UVAS-Lahore, Pakistan. pp:17
- R. Khalid, S. K. Tahir, I. Rabbani, H. Rehman, M. S. Yousaf, K. A. Majeed, A. A. Saeed, S. Ahmad, M. K. Shahzad, and A. Chughtai. 2017. Effect of zinc and protexin supplementation alone and in combination on the electrophysiological indices of jejuna mucosa in broilers reared under cyclic heat stress. Proc. International Conference on Recent Advances in Clinical Research, 19-20 December, 2017 at UVAS-Lahore, Pakistan. pp:26
- H. Rehman,W. Mehmood, I. Rabbani, F. Stumpff, M. S. Yousaf, H. Zaneb, K. A. Majeed, S. K. Tahir and M. A. Rashid. 2016. In vitro effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on electrophysiological indices and sodium dependent glucose transport across jejunal mucosa in laying hens. Proc. 20th ESVCN Congress held 15-17 September, Berlin, Germany.pp:61.
- H Zaneb, S Ashraf, S Masood, H F Rehman, M M Usman, M S Yousaf and H Rehman. 2016. Comparative effects of different dietary levels of novelly-linkaged β-galacto-oligosaccharides on intestinal morphometry of cold-stressed broilers. Proc. 20th ESVCN Congress held 15-17 September, Berlin, Germany.
- H. Rehman, U. Minhas, M. Wajid, I. Rabbani, M. S. Yousaf,M.-Q. Zaman, S. Iqbal,M. S. Hussain, K. A. Majeed, S. K. Tahir, H. Zaneb and A. Aslam. 2015. Response of an anti-stress supplement on growth performance, intestinal microarchitecture, selected serum metabolites, and oxidant-antioxidant level in broilers reared under chronic heat stress. Proc. Proc. 20th Congress of European Society of Comparative Veterinary Nutrition, Toulouse, France (12-15 September, 2015).
- Rehman, H. K. Ullah, M. Q. Zaman, M. S. Yousaf, S. K. Tahir, I. Rabbani, K. A. Majeed, H. Zaneb. 2014. Effect of phytase supplementation on growth performance and biochemical parameters in broilers. Proc. 20th Congress of European Society of Comparative Veterinary Nutrition, Toulouse, France (12-15 September, 2015). Pp:25.
- H. Rehman, U. Minhas, M. Wajid, I. Rabbani, M. S. Yousaf, M.-Q. Zaman, S. Iqbal, M. S. Hussain, K. A. Majeed, S. K. Tahir, H. Zaneb and A. Aslam. 2015. Response of an anti-stress supplement on growth performance, intestinal microarchitecture, selected serum metabolites, and oxidant-antioxidant level in broilers reared under chronic heat stress. Proc. 20th Congress of European Society of Comparative Veterinary Nutrition, Toulouse, France (12-15 September, 2015). pp:26.
- H. Rehman, S. Abbas, M. S. Yousaf, M. A. Rasheed, A. Hussain2, I. Rabbani, M-.Q. Zaman, H. Zaneb. 2015.Effect of supplementation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on production performance, dry matter intake and off-spring growth in goat during transition. Proc. 20th Congress of European Society of Comparative Veterinary Nutrition, Toulouse, France (12-15 September, 2015). pp:77.
Training & Courses (Attended):
- In-Service Competency Enhancement Training for Teachers (I-SCETT), Center for Educational Policy and Administration, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, June 2-6, 2014
- Contractile Proteins and Molecular Physiology of Movement, L. E. J. National Science Information Center (International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences), Virtual Education Project Pakistan, August 20 – September 05, 2013
- Development of Sustainable and Collaborative Researcher Networks, Talented Research Exchange Programme-INSPIRE, British Council, Lahore, Pakistan, September 27-28, 2010
- Construction of a Standard Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Center for Educational Policy and Administration, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, March 20, 2010
- Certification of “Theory Training Course on Animal Use for Research and Teaching (Advanced Level)” from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2009
- Techniques in Transgenics, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, September 02, 2008
- Nuclear and Other Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Biological Research, National Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan, November 10-21, 2008
Training, Courses & Conferences (Organized):
- ‘Hands-on Training on Macrophage Isolation from Mice’ at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore (20th April, 2016)
- 2nd International Symposium on Electrophysiology at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore (2nd & 4th December, 2015)
- International Workshop on Electrophysiology (Organizer), Department of Physiology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, November 21, 2014
Co-Curricular Activities:
- Registered Veterinary Medical Practitioner, Life Long Membership from Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council
- Permanent Member of Board of Studies of Faculty of Biosciences, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
- Permanent Member of Board of Studies of Department of Physiology, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Research Projects:
Team Scientist:
- Dietry Management of health stauts and production performance during heat stress in broilers: Use of Novel amino acids mixture Funded by HEC amounting Rs. 3.93 million
- Use of yeast cell wall from distillery waste product as a growth promoters in male calves funded by Pakistan Agriculture and Research Board (Funding Cost: 7.71 million), 2015
- Development and Evaluation of Catharanthus roseus as a Phytobiotic agent for Poultry funded by HEC (Funding Cost: 1.3 million), 2014
- Development, evaluation and promotion of distillery yeast sludge (DYS) based poultry feed and prebiotic agent for enhancement of productivity funded by Pakistan Agriculture and Research Board (Funding Cost: 1,20,000 USD), 2011-2013
- Development of semen extender for buffalo bull semen funded by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (Funding Cost: 69,000 USD), 2010-2013
Post-Graduate Supervision:
Designation |
MPhil Students |
PhD Students |
In progress |
Produced |
In progress |
Produced |
Supervisor |
04 |
16 |
03 |
- |
Member |
01 |
16 |
- |
- |
Total |
06 |
32 |
01 |
- |
- Recipient of PhD Scholarship from the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, under Faculty Development Program in the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
- Awarded Certificate of Honor and Shield by the Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in final semester of MSc (Hons) in Veterinary Physiology
- Awarded Certificates of Honor and Shields by the Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in 4th, 6th and 8th Semesters
- Awarded Merit Scholarship by University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003