Dairy Club - News & Events

The 7th Meeting of Dairy Club (Joint Venture between Alltech and UVAS) was held on Tuesday 15th November 2011 at Syndicate Room UVAS. Followings are the proceedings of the meeting:


  1. Lecture on “Calf Rearing; Practical and Advance Approach”. By Dr Professor Talat Naseer Pasha
  2. Discussion Forum

Dr. Shahzad Naveed Jadoon opened the forum and explained the agenda of meeting.
Prof. Dr. Talat Naseer Pasha delivered a lecture on “Calf Rearing; Practical and Advance Approach”. During his lecture he discussed on:

  1. The conventional calf rearing system
  2. Scientific and practical approach
  3. Goals of calf rearing
  4. Calf growth
  5. Importance of colustrum
  6. Feeding of calf
  7. Liquid feeding
  8. Milk replacers
  9. Rumen development
  10. Calf starter
  11. Calf management

Note: Powerpoint presentation of the lecture is available on Dairy Club website

After presentation questions and answers session gave chance to the audiences to ask the questions.

During discussion forum participants shared their experiences about calf rearing.

Maj Yousaf told that because calf rearing is not economical that’s why farmer is not able to invest on this sector. Calf rearing can be economical and adapted as a business if cross breeding with proven beef breeds is practiced. Cross of Belgium Blue x Cholistani resulted in calves having body weight of 450-600kg at six months of age. We can focus Gulf and Iran for beef market as they are good pay masters.

Prof. Dr. Abdullah shared his experienced of visiting dairy farms in USA. He explained how dairy farmers have contracts with vendors who take care of the calves after 3 days colustrum feeding at dairy farm. We have observed great variation in birth weight. It ranges between 15-30kg. In the presence of such variation it is very difficult to feed the calves according to their requirements.

Prof. Dr. T.N. Pasha pointed out that price of the animal will dictate the fate of calves rearing industry. As price of dairy animal is increasing drastically for last few years, it will exert pressure on dairy farmer to maintain their own replacement herd. Affordability of farmer to purchase new animals for their farm expansion is second driving force as modern dairy farms are the property of businessmen.

Prof. Dr. Ghulam Habib focused on breeds and nutritional standards. He told that as we don’t have standard nutrition for our local animals. We should not forget that we have very good breeds like Cholistani

Dr. Ehsan Ullah Khan gave a note on use of hay in claves feeding. He told that hay is given to the calves for nibbling purpose. It has no role in development of rumen papillae. Hay produces acetic acid in rumen which has no role in the development of papillae. Starch based diet is fed for this purpose.

Dr. Ashraf Mughal added that new concept in calves nutrition are based on true protein instead of crude protein.

Mr. Rick Thompson told about his experience of raising calves on feeding fresh fodder + concentrate at Sukheki farm and hay + concentrate at Sarsabz farm. We are getting equally good results in body weight gain.

Dr. Shahzad Naveed Jadoon, Alltech summarized the meeting discussion. Schedule for next meeting was decided with the consent of all participants.

Next Meeting Schedule: 

Date: Tuesday 13th Dec, 2011 (Due to Ashoora on 6th Dec, 2011, the meeting will be on 13th  Dec 2011)

Time: 05:00p.m

Venue: Syndicate Room, UVAS, Lahore

We are highly grateful to club members for their time and contributions
Looking forward for your participation in next meeting