UVAS News & Events

Student's Alert

Counter Extremism and Enhance Security Measures

In response and direction of the Home Department, Government of Punjab  to Counter Extremism and Enhance Security Measures, all the students are directed to observe the under-mentioned instructions in the best interest of their own and UVAS. The following measures will be observed in full spirit

  • Strict compliance of wearing University I. D cards by the students in the classrooms and in the University Campus/ Hostels will be observed strictly. All the academic /security staff   of the UVAS is allowed to check the ID cards of the students at any time.
  • Timely, convey the information on any suspicious activity to UVAS Administration
  • Identification and Reporting of persons having any affiliation with banned /illegal organization or inclination towards extremist ideology
  • Grouping of students on ethnic, sectarian, political and religious grounds be checked and discouraged,we all are Muslims,Pakistani and Uvasians.
  • Keep check on social media against spreading radicalization and extremism, University Administration can be approached for assistance at any time; University shall keep the name of the informer secret. Do not try to open web sites of the banned and extremism
  • Very strict steps will be taken by the University Administration to check the spread of Firearms and Narcotics in the University premises and Zero Tolerance will be observed in this regard and very strict disciplinary action will be taken against the culprits  
  • No activity of any society will be done without the permission of the Senior tutor office /competent athourity.
  • In case of any emergency/ observations/ suspicious activities immediately inform to  Principal Officer Student Affairs Office and at 0800-11111