Mastitis Local Name“ Saru“ |
Inflammation of mammary gland is called mastitis. |
Mastitis is caused by a number of infectious agents, Staphylococcus Aureus and Streptococcus Agalactiae are most important. |
Gross abnormalities in milk (clots, flakes, discoloration pus). Physically abnormal udder.
Acute: Diffuse swelling, warmth, pain, gangrene may occur in advanced cases.
Systemic response: May be normal or mild, moderate, acute, peracute with toxemia, anorexia, dehydration, fever, increased heart rate , ruminal stasis, and death in severely infected cattle and buffalos. |
Intra-mammary and parenteral administration of broad spectrum antibiotics along with frequent striping of the teats manually to evacuate the toxins from the udder, fluid therapy and anti-inflammatory agents in case of acute mastitis. |
Control measures include: particular attention to milking technique, housing and avoidance of injury to teats. Infected quarter should be treated vigorously. Healthy environment must be maintained. |