Regulations Relating to Admission to Degrees |
The Controller of Examinations shall, from time to time, report to the Vice-Chancellor the names of all persons who have passed the Examination required for the various degrees of the University and are qualified under the Regulations for admission to such degrees. When the Vice-Chancellor has sanctioned the admission of any such person to any degree, he shall be entitled to be formally admitted to that degree at the next Annual Convocation
If any eligible candidate does not intend to appear at the first Convocation after the sanction of his degree, he shall give at least three day’s notice to the Controller of Examinations, of his intended absence, and may then be admitted to his degree at any subsequent Convocations provided that he gives at least seven days notice to the Controller of Examinations of his intention to present himself at that Convocation.
If any candidate fails to give such notice of his intended absence or appearance, he shall pay amount prescribed to the University before he is admitted to his degree.
If any candidate has not offered himself for admission to the degree in the manner provided for in Regulations 2 and 3, he may apply to the Vice-Chancellor to be admitted to his degree in absentia.
The following categories of students may be awarded degrees in absentia, before or after the convocation, free of charge or on payment of fees mentioned against each:
i. Foreign Students: Free of Charge
ii. Pakistani Students: admitted or seeking admission to foreign University or Institutions and requiring degrees for confirmation or admission or acceptance or for seeking employment in a foreign country on producing documentary proof: Amount prescribed
iii. If the University is unable to hold convocation within one year, after the declaration of the result of the Final Examination, degrees shall be awarded to the students in absentia, on payment of the prescribed fee.
iv.Students requiring original degrees for migration to other countries, the same may be awarded to them in absentia on their producing documentary evidence of their migration to foreign countries, on payment of the prescribed fee.
On the receipt of such application, the Vice-Chancellor shall consider it and may declare the applicant to be admitted to this degree in absentia.
The Controller of Examinations is authorized to issue degrees in absentia to such candidates as had been admitted to the degrees but could not receive them at convocation.