Statutes and Curricula ........ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Statutes and Curricula of one year laboratory Assistant Diploma Course | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STATUTES Name of the Course = Laboratory Assistant Diploma Course Duration = 1 year Medium of instruction = English Max. age for admission = 21 years Total Seats = 15 in number (2/3rd. on open merit & 1/3rd. for in service U.V.A.S. employees) Rules & Regulations: 1. Admission: a). Minimum qualification Matric with Science 2nd. Division (At least 45% marks) b). Domicile Punjab c). The Registrar, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore will send the Admission Notice for publication in National daily newspaper/s after receiving it from the Director, Institute of Continuing Education & Extension. d). Application for admission on prescribed form will be submitted to the Director of Institute of Continuing Education & Extension, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore. The Director will admit the candidate on merit as detailed above. e). Fresh admission will normally be made each year after Matric Results. f). Director, Institute of Continuing Education & Extension will be the overall In-charge of the said diploma course. g). Registration of the students will be made by the Controller of Examinations, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore after notification of admission by the Director, Institute of Continuing Education & Extension and on receipt of Bank Challan showing deposit of the prescribed University dues and medical fitness certificate by the University Medical Officer. h). Student conduct and discipline: Every student admitted to the Laboratory Assistant Diploma Course, shall be required to give an undertaking to abide by the rules and regulations of the University and to carry out such orders and instructions as may be issued by the University authorities from time to time under the regulations relating to discipline and conduct of the University. i). The name of the student who remains absent from the classes continuously for a week without prior permission of the Director of the Institute shall be reported by the concerned teacher to the Director immediately to strike him off the University rolls. However, the Director of the Institute shall be empowered to readmit such a student on his request with the requisite assurance in writing duly attested by his father / guardian. 2. Hostel Accommodation: Hostel accommodation will be provided only if available 3. Mode of Examination: 1. Examination will be held at the end of academic year. 2. Supplementary examination of the failed students will be held after one month of the notification of result by the Controller of Examinations, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore. 3. The student will be given only three chances to pass all the subjects i.e. Annual, Supplementary and next Annual irrespective of the fact whether he avails any of the said three chances or not. Thereafter, no further chance will be given. 4. At the end of academic year, 75 % attendance of the students in each subject both in theory and practical separately would be compulsory, failing which he will not be allowed to appear in the examination. The student, who could not appear in the Annual Examination due to shortage of lectures, may be allowed by the Director to attend classes with the succeeding year as the case may be to complete examination requirements. 5. If a student fails in any of the subject(s) in Annual Examination, he will have to pass the subject(s) in two chances i.e. supplementary and the next annual examination only. 6. No student will be awarded the diploma unless he passes all the subjects of the course within the given chances. 7. In case, a student could not appear in the Annual Examination due to serious illness or circumstances, beyond his control, he will be allowed to sit in the supplementary examination with the approval of the Director. 8. The award list will be submitted by the concerned teacher through the Chairman of the Department to the Controller of Examinations who will notify the result. 9. To qualify for the award of the diploma, the student shall be required to secure at least 40% marks separately each in Theory & Practical of every subject failing which, it shall be presumed that he has not passed that subject in which case he will have to reappear both in theory and practical of the failing subject and pass the theory & practical both as per laid down standard / procedure. 4. Award of Diploma a). Diploma will be awarded only to the successful candidate by the Controller of Examinations of the University. b). UNIVERSITY DUES Admission Fee Rs. 240/- Tuition Fee for the Course Rs. 4290/- University Security fee Rs. 600/- (Refundable) Examination Fee Rs. 240/- Re-admission Fee Rs. 240/- Hostel Fee According to the University rules for diploma / certificate (vide notification No. AO(B&F)1032, dated 27-01-2005 of the Treasurer, U.V.A.S., Lahore)
5. Scheme of studies, Training and Marks Examination and Teaching schedule will be notified by the Director, Education & Extension.
Application for admission to One Year Laboratory Assistant Diploma Course (Session __________)
1. Name of applicant__________________________________________ 2. Father’s Name ____________________________________________ 3. a. Date of Birth________________________________________ b. Exact age on last date for submitting application____________ 4. District of Domicile_________________ Urban / Rural ___________ 5. a. Permanent Address __________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ b. Postal Address______________________________________ __________________________________________________ 6. Academic Record Name of Exams. Marks obtained / Total Marks Division Marks %
Matric ________________________ _______ _______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: Attested photocopies of certificate, of Matriculation, Character, Domicile and I.D. Card of father / guardian etc. must be attached with the application. Incomplete application will not be entertained.
I ___________________ Son / Daughter of ________________ do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as under:
1. I shall undertake to abide by Students’ (Discipline & Conduct) Regulation, 2002, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore and other rules / regulations framed by the University from time to time.
2. I further undertake that if I am found involved in any unlawful activity or provide incorrect information at any stage of study, the University shall have the right to cancel my admission without assigning any reason.
_____________________ Signature of the Applicant _________________________ Signature of Father / Guardian
No. of National Identity Card of Father / Guardian________________ Place of issue____________________(Photocopy attached) Address__________________________________________________ Telephone No., if any_______________________________________ |