General Instructions Approved ......
 General Instructions approved by Advanced Studies and Research Board
  1. All postgraduate students after Semester / session enrolment must get their respective student’s copy of the enrolment form immediately from the office of Directorate of Advanced Studies and Research. Thereafter, the said copy is to be shown to the concerned teacher (s) offering the course (s) in order to include their name in the attendance register being maintained by the teacher. The Board also directed the teacher (s) to include only the name of those students in their attendance register who enroll their course(es) and show their respective student’s copy of the enrolment form as an evidence.
  2. No course shall be conducted unless there are at least four students enrolled for that course. In special cases, however, if the number of students is less than four, permission of the Vice Chancellor shall have to be obtained for conducting that course. The Board decided that approval of Vice Chancellor for offering a course to a class of less than four students must be obtained within one month of the commencement of that Semester and no request will be entertained after expiry of the date. The above condition, however, does not apply to the Supplementary Semester where teachers are not required to ask for the permission of the Vice Chancellor.
  3. All students are required to submit their Course Work Programme during 1st Semester and Synopsis during 3rd Semester.
  4. A course can be repeated three times, at the most. 1st repetition will be on student’s will, for 2nd repetition prior permission of Director, Advanced Studies is essential and for third repetition, permission of the Advanced Studies and Research Board will have to be sought and the applicant will have to justify for so many repetitions.
  5. An approved course, not offered for four Semesters consecutively, shall stand deleted from the list of approved courses of the department concerned.
  6. If a teacher is not available for guidance for most of the time he should be changed by the Dean of the Faculty on a request from the student supported by the Chairman of the Department concerned.
  7. The teachers concerned should try to make the Ph.D. student’s workload so that they are able to finish their research work within the minimum limit, possibly in three years.
  8. Only academically qualified and competent teachers by virtue of their experience should be allowed to supervise the work of Ph.D. students. Normally the major supervisor of a Ph.D. student must posses the following qualifications and experience.

    i. A Ph.D. degree in the subject.

    ii. At least 5 years teaching / research experience.

    iii. At least three publications to his credit to an International / National Journal of repute.

    iv. Must have a prior experience of supervising M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil. student’s research.     No student will be allowed to conduct research outside the University Campus without     prior permission of the Chairman of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty     Concerned.
  9. Semi-final thesis should be submitted to Director, Advanced Studies duly forwarded by the Chairman of the Department and Dean of the Faculty concerned on or before the schedule date.
  10. Course like Stat. etc. shall not be counted towards minor fields as required under Statutes 4(b) relating to the postgraduate studies. Accordingly, the total fields in minor will be counted excluding the essential courses.
  11. It was decided that in future there will be no “D” grade for the deficiency courses and students will be marked A, B, C and F in order to remove the difficulties faced by the students.
  12. Director, Advanced Studies and Research is empowered to extend the date of final submission of the theses by two weeks of those students who get their semi-final theses approved / scrutinized by the Directorate of Advanced Studies and Research.
  13. Enrolment for a minimum of 10 credits in a Semester be strictly adhered to, as provided under rules Relaxation for enrolling 2 credits less than the requisite limit may be allowed by the Advanced Studies and Research Board in exceptional cases only. The Deans / Director / Chairmen would ensure that the requisite courses are offered by their Faculties / Departments / Sections to avoid hardship to the students.
  14. Duration of the question paper for written comprehensive Examination would be five hours, and the student shall be required to attempt five questions out of seven in each paper.
  15. A postgraduate student can avail the facility of discontinuation of studies only once during his study period and that too for one Semester only. Moreover, he will have to apply for discontinuation of studies within 30 days from the date of commencement of classes. Any application received after that period shall be out rightly rejected. Moreover, candidates failing to apply for the discontinuation shall be charged Rs.2000/- at the time of enrolment in the forthcoming semester. However, if a student does not apply in that Semester his admission will stand cancelled.