Statutes and Regulations ........ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Statutes and Regulations relating to the Degree of Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DURATTION AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE Ph.D. DEGREE PROGRAMME 1. i. The duration of the course for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in full residence shall not be less than six semesters and that more than ten semesters for whole-time students. In case of University employees admitted as part time students, the duration shall not be less than ten semesters and not more than fourteen semesters. ii. The employees of the government/other agencies nominated for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at this University shall have to take leave to pursue studies as a regular students, failing which he/she shall not be admitted. iii. The supervisors of Ph.D. students shall submit a report with regard to each Ph.D. student showing general progress particularly in research, such report shall be submitted on prescribed form after each Semester to the Advanced Studies and Research Board through the Chairman of the Department/Dean / Director concerned. (Explanation: In case their progress is not satisfactory, they will be called during next Semester to justify for the delay. In case their explanation, in the opinion of the Advanced Studies and Research Board is not found satisfactory, appropriate orders including cancellation of admission shall be passed by the Board). I. ADMISSION TO THE COURSE 1. A candidate seeking admission to the course for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in full and partial residence must: i. have passed the Master’s Degree Examination or an equivalent Examination from a recognized institution in a field of study relating to the subject, he desires to take up and have at least two first divisions from Matric to M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil.
ii. have a domicile of the province F.A.T.A. / A.J.K. /other countries, he belongs.
iii. Produce at the time of the first enrolment, a certificate from the University Resident Medical Officer to the effect that he is free from any communicable disease or mental or physical disability which is likely to stand in the way of his pursuing the chosen field of study. 2. A candidate shall be judged on the basis of the following criteria for admission.
e. The Selection Committees for admission to Ph.D. shall consist of the following: 1. Dean / Director of the Faculty / Division / Institution. 2. Chairman of the Department 3. Director, Advanced Studies 4. Senior most teacher of the Department.
If the schedule of courses pursued by a candidate for his Master’s degree does not provide adequate background for the Ph.D. course, which he intends to take up, he may be required to rectify the deficiency by taking additional courses as determined by the Supervisory Committee of the student.
3. Candidates may be admitted at the beginning of the semester,if a candidate fails to enroll, his admission shall stand cancelled. 4. A candidate admitted to the course shall be required to be in residence at the University during the first two semesters.
5. i. The admission to the course may be made by the Advanced Studies and Research Board on the recommendations of the Selection Committee to be approved by the Vice-Chancellor under clause 2(e).
ii. The Selection Committee shall consider the applications for admission to different courses and interview the candidates and formulate their recommendations for placing before the Advanced Studies and Research Board.
iii. The Advanced Studies and Research Board may refuse admission of a student to the course without assigning any reason. (Explanation: All those students who are awarded under penalty of fine of Rs.1000/- and above, on account of their misconduct during the course of their M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil. studies will be debarred for postgraduate admission for a period of two years. After the lapse of two years after completion of their M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil. studies, their cases will be considered for admission to Ph.D. course on the recommendations of the Director, Advance Studies.
The students who receive major penalties during their M.Sc. (Hons.) / M.Phil. courses will not be granted admission to Ph.D. courses. However, they will be eligible for admission to Ph.D. courses after a lapse of three years, on the recommendations of the D.A.S.R. 6. A candidate admitted to the course shall, for so long as he/she has not submitted his/her thesis, enroll himself/herself for each semester provided that he / she may discontinue his/her studies on account of circumstances beyond his/her control, before appearing in the final Examination, with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor obtained through the Director, Advanced Studies on the recommendation of the Dean / Director. Provided further that a candidate shall not be allowed to discontinue studies during first two semesters. (Explanation: Candidates so permitted to discontinue will be allowed to resume their studies by the Dean / Director and will be notified by the Director Advanced Studies). 7. An application for enrolment on the prescribed enrolment form, accompanied by the prescribed fees, shall be presented on the day(s) notified for enrolment provided that the Director, Advanced Studies may, in special circumstances and on payment of late fee, permit a student to enroll within ten days after the commencement of the semester.
Provided further that the Vice-Chancellor may allow enrolment of a student after the expiry of 10 days of the commencement of the Semester under special circumstances in individual cases to be recorded in writing with double late fee, till such time as it does not conflict with the prescribed requirement of 75% attendance in lectures and practicals of each subject. (Explanation: Enrolment will only be considered completed when the enrolment form is deposited with the Director, Advanced Studies. Merely depositing of fee will not serve the purpose) 8. If a student fails to enroll in any Semester without permission of the competent authority, he shall cease to be on the rolls of the University and in case he desires readmission, he shall have to apply for the same. (Explanation:The Advanced Studies and Research Board may readmit such a candidate or refuse admission if the reasons advanced are not convincing). 9. When a candidate has been enrolled for his first semester,the Advanced Studies and Research Board shall, on the recommendation of the Dean / Director made in consultation with the Chairman of the Department concerned, constitute for the candidate a Supervisory Committee which shall normally consist of two specialists from the major field of study and one from the minor field of study, provided that if an outstanding specialist in a major or minor field of study, is available outside the University, he may be appointed as a member of the Supervisory Committee in place of a teacher or as an additional member, one of the teacher members from the major field of study will be designated as Chairman and will act as Major Supervisor. (Explanation: In case, a post-graduate student is allowed by the Director, Advanced Studies duly recommended by the Chairman and Dean / Director concerned to conduct his / her complete thesis research in other institution / laboratory, the name of the helping scientist (Ph.D.) would be placed at serial No. 2 on the Supervisory Committee and will be designated as co-supervisor. 10. When a candidate admitted to the course in partial residence has been enrolled for the first semester, the Advanced Studies and Research Board shall, on the recommendation of the Dean / Director, in consultation with the Chairman of the Department, as the case may be, constitute for the candidate a Supervisory Committee which shall normally consist of three specialists, two from major field of study and one from a minor field of study. One of the specialists in the major field of study shall be a teacher of the University and shall act as the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee and the other specialists in the major and minor field of study shall act as members of the Committee. The additional member from the institution where the candidate is permitted to undertake research shall act as Co-Supervisor for the purpose of research under the general guidance of Supervisory Committee. Explanation: Supervisory Committee may be revised in case of transfer/any special circumstances/retirements of any member of Supervisory Committee in consultation with the Chairman of the concerned Department / Dean and subsequent approval of A.S.R.B. 11. a. A student who is enrolled for a course shall not be allowed, to add a new course or substitute a course for another after the expiry of twenty days from the commencement of the semester, but he may be permitted on the recommendation of his major Supervisor/Chairman of the Department and the teacher concerned, to drop a course within thirty days. In case a student gives up a course without such permission or intimation, he shall be deemed to have failed in that course.
b. The students may be allowed to drop such courses within 30 days of the last date of enrolment, for which they enrolled in the first Semester after taking admission, before the appointment of their Supervisory Committee, which are not included in their approved course work programme by the Supervisory Committees. This concession will be valid for courses enrolled in the first Semester and for those students, who submit their course work programmes during first semester. 12. When a course for which a student is enrolled, cannot be held according to the programme announced, he may take up an alternate course, but this must be done not later than fifteen days after the date of enrolment. 13. The admission of a candidate to the course shall be provisional in the first instance and shall be confirmed only when the following conditions have been fulfilled:
i. He / She has demonstrated potential ability to handle course work and thesis research to the satisfaction of his / her Supervisory Committee. ii. Rectified the course deficiencies, if any.
14. The Course No. of all postgraduate courses will commence from 1001 preceded by the first two to four alphabets of the name of the Department. Laboratory courses, if any, will carry, separate numbers. 15. No student will take any advance course unless he/she has cleared the pre-requisite for it as determined by the Department. 16. i. Ordinarily a whole-time student shall not be enrolled for more than 15 and less than 10 credits in a Semester except the last semester. These credits will include the credits earned in respect of deficiency courses.
ii. A part-time student may take 2 courses or one seminar or both in each semester. iii. Out of the total number of credits referred to in Statute 4(a), two credits shall be earned through Seminar and not more than two credits through Special Problem. Out of these two seminars, one should relate to the subject of his research and should be delivered at the time of preparation of Synopsis, at University level. iv. The Advanced Studies and Research Board may count towards the requirements of the course credits earned by a student at another recognized institution, subject to maximum of 50 per cent of the minimum credits requirements laid down in these regulations provided that: a. The courses for which credit is claimed, were identical with or similar to the courses included in the programme approved for him/her;
b. The credits allowed to Seminars and Special Problems shall not exceed the limit laid down in this regulation.
c. The courses for which credit is claimed have not been used for any other degree. (Explanation: One credit is earned for each class of scheduled lecture or seminar or special problem or for each scheduled practical of not less than two classes per week). 17. No Semester course shall carry more than 4 credits. 18. Credits earned for a course shall lapse on the expiry of seven years for regular as well as part time students from the end of the Semester in which the course was qualified. The Advanced Studies and Research Board may, however, revalidate the lapsed courses for special reasons to be recorded. Explanation: Deficiency courses once qualified will not lapse and shall not be called into question again and need not to be revalidated. III. Examination (a) Tests and Examinations 19. i. There shall be two Examinations for each course during each semester. These Examinations shall be termed mid-Semester and final. In addition to these Examinations the teacher shall give home assignments, term papers, quizzes, etc.The determination of the form of these Examinations will be left to the teacher who will be solely responsible for the conduct of Examination as well as evaluation in his course. The grade given in the course by the teacher shall be final.
ii. Only those students, who have attended not less than 75 per cent of the lectures and practicals separately in each course, shall be eligible for admission to such Examinations.
iii.A teacher shall report to the Dean / Director concerned through the Chairman of the Department concerned, the names of students who are absent from the lectures / practicals continuously for seven days to enable him strike off such students. (Explanation: The Dean / Director may re-admit such a candidate or refuse admission if the reasons advanced are not convincing). 20. The final Examination for Semester shall be held on a date and time and place to be notified by the teacher in advance. 21. To pass a deficiency course a student shall be required to obtain at least grade-B: 22. The scripts of each Examination shall be shown to the students concerned by the teacher, taken back immediately and then forwarded to the Controller of Examinations within five days, who shall preserve the scripts for a year.
23. i. The mid-Semester Examination shall be held during 9th week of the Semester which shall carry 30 per cent of the total allocated marks for the course. This Examination shall be held by the teacher concerned who shall determine the form of the Examination.
ii. In addition, quizzes, special home assignments and /or term papers shall carry 10 per cent of the total marks allocated which shall be uniformly split over the whole semester.The final Examination to be held at the end of the Semester shall carry 60 per cent of the total marks allocated. iii. For the purpose of evaluation, one credit will carry 20 marks e.g. a 4 credits course will carry 80 marks. These marks will be divided in accordance with the credits assigned to theory and practical for each course. 24. The following weightage shall be given to the Examinations, home assignments, term papers, etc. (i) Sessional Work/Examination
- Mid-Semester Examination 30% - Home assignments/term papers, quizzes 10%
(ii) Final Examination of the Semester Covering the entire course 60% Total: 100% 25. In order to qualify in the Examination of a semester, a student must obtain at least 20 per cent marks separately in 26. The teacher shall send the final award list for the course to the Controller of Examinations and a copy each in the Dean / Director of the Faculty / Division / Institution, Chairman of the Department concerned and the Director, Advanced Studies & Research, normally within five days after the end of the semester. 27. On receipt of the award lists, the Controller of Examinations shall prepare a consolidated award sheet and send it to the Director, Advanced Studies & Research and Dean / Director and the Chairmen of the Departments concerned. 28. A student, who has taken the final Examination of an approved course at the end of a semester, shall not be permitted to delete the course.
29. A student who fails to make up the deficiency in his grade point average, in the number of chances permitted, shall cease to be on the rolls. (b) Grade Point Average 30. Grade point will be as follows: 4 for A, 3 for B, 2 for C, and F for failure (that is zero). Maximum grade point average 4.00
Minimum grade point average for Obtaining Ph.D. Degree 3.00 (Equivalence between letter grading and numerical grading shall be as follows):
(Explanation: The student should obtain G.P.A./C.G.P.A. of 3.00 for enrolment to the next semester. In case a student is able to obtain G.P.A./C.G.P.A. of 2.50, or more but less than 3.00, he will be promoted to the next semester, but only once, and he will be given a warning to improve his G.P.A./C.G.P.A. and if he fails to obtain 3.00 in the next semester, his admission shall stand cancelled). A student will be required to repeat the courses of the previous semesters in which he had failed, when such courses are offered, provided that his maximum work load, including the courses being repeated by him, will not exceed the normal work load. 31. A student, who obtains C.G.P.A. of 2.50 or more but less than 3.00, upon the completion of entire approved course work, may be allowed to repeat once the courses of the previous semesters in which he had obtained the lowest grades, in order to improve the C.G.P.A. so as to obtain the minimum of 3.00, failing which he shall cease to be on the rolls. (c) Comprehensive Examination 32. A student admitted to the course shall take a comprehensive Examination, in the Semester after he/she has successfully completed the approved course work. (Explanation: A student will have to apply for comprehensive Examination on the prescribed form within first week of enrolment of the semester. The comprehensive Examination shall be arranged within 6 weeks of the termination of the Semester enrolled for the exam. If a student does not apply within the specified period or does not appear in the Examination, he will be deemed to have availed one chance and failed to qualify in the first attempt).
33. The comprehensive Examination will cover both the major and minor fields of study and will consist of a written part followed by an oral part. It will be designed to ascertain whether the student has attained the breadth of knowledge and the intellectual maturity necessary to become a successful scholar in his chosen discipline. It will not be a mere re-examination of previous courses but will test the students’ ability to integrate and assimilate the knowledge obtained from the courses, seminars and independent studies. 34. Examiners for the comprehensive Examinations shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor. The panel of names of examiners shall be recommended by the concerned Board of Studies of respective Departments. The Board of Studies shall send the recommended panel directly to the office of the Controller of Examinations under sealed cover as “Confidential” information. The Controller of Examinations shall get the final approval from the Vice chancellor for such appointments before taking further necessary action. (Amended as above by Syndicate in its meeting held on 22-11-2003 vide No. Reg/AOG/44 dated. 21-01-2004)
35. To pass the comprehensive Examination, a student must obtain not less than grade B in the written and the oral parts, separately. A fraction in the total marks in either case shall be counted as one mark.
36. A student shall not be eligible to sit to the oral part, unless he has qualified in the written part of the Examination.
37. An application for admission to Examination or for re-Examination under Regulation 38 shall be submitted on the prescribed form.
38. If a student fails to qualify either in the written or oral part he shall be eligible to offer himself again in the part in which he failed, but only once and that also not earlier than one Semester and not later than two semesters after the date of the declaration of the results of the Examination.
39. A student who has passed the comprehensive Examination shall be deemed to have become a candidate for admission to Ph.D. degree. (i) Comprehensive Examination-Written Part
40. The Controller of Examinations shall, with the approval of the Vice Chancellor, notify the date, time and venue of the Examination of atleast two weeks before the commencement of the Examination.
41. The Board of Examiners for written comprehensive Examination shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor from amongst the teachers. The Vice Chancellor shall designate one of the members to act as Chairman of the Board.
42. The Vice Chancellor shall, on the recommendation of the Advanced Studies and Research Board to each member of the Board (hereinafter called member) a particular field or fields in which he has to set questions. The number of papers shall not exceed three (two in major and one in minor fields).
43. A student shall answer questions set by each member on a separate answer book which shall be sent by the Controller of Examinations to the member concerned for evaluation.
44. Each member shall, within seven days after the receipt of the answer books, return them duly marked to the Controller of Examinations alongwith the award list.
45. To pass the written Examination a student must secure not less than 65% in the set of questions asked by each member separately. (ii) Comprehensive Examination-Oral part 46. The Controller of Examinations shall in consultation with the Chairman, Board of Examiners, notify the date, time and venue for the oral comprehensive Examination within three months of the date of the declaration of the result of the written comprehensive Examination. If a candidate fails to appear in oral comprehensive Examination within the prescribed time limit, the result of the written comprehensive Examination shall stand cancelled and he shall have to appear again in the written comprehensive Examination. a. The Board for oral Examination shall consist of the examiners appointed vide clause 41, and in addition the Dean of the Faculty and two senior teachers to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor. b. The oral comprehensive Examination shall be of three hours duration. 47. The Chairman of the Board of Examiners shall be responsible for the conduct of the oral Examination and shall determine the order in which each member of the Board shall put questions to the student. The members shall be free to ask any number of questions.
48. At the conclusion of the oral Examination, each member shall separately grade the student and the Chairman of the Board of Examiners shall decide the result of the candidate through majority vote of the examiners. In case of equal votes the Chairman shall use his/her casting vote to arrive at the final decision. 49. {Deleted by Syndicate in its meeting held on 12-04-2004, vide No. Regr./AO(A)/163, dated 21-04-2004.} (d) Thesis Examination 50. A candidate who has passed the comprehensive Examination shall be allowed to submit his/her thesis. But, before submission, he/she will have to defend his/her thesis at University level. This presentation shall be evaluated by the Supervisory Committee and if found acceptable, the final submission may be allowed. 51. The thesis must be an original and scholarly contribution to the knowledge of the candidate’s chosen field of study.
52. In the case of students admitted to the Course in partial residence, the research work shall be undertaken in a laboratory or institute approved by the Syndicate on the recommendations of the Academic Council and the Advanced Studies and Research Board.
53. The thesis shall be prepared and presented in the manner laid down in the instructions issued by the Advanced Studies and Research Board.
54. The unbound thesis shall be referred to the examiners for evaluation duly certified by the Supervisory Committee that the contents and form of the thesis are satisfactory for submissions. The Controller of Examinations shall get the thesis evaluated within three months after the date of submission / resubmission of thesis to his office. Any delay beyond three months must be brought to the notice of the Vice Chancellor.
55. Except as provided in Regulation 60, the number of external examiners shall be two.
56. Two external examiners from Technologically Advance Countries shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor for evaluation of Ph.D. thesis. The panel of examiners shall be recommended by concerned Board of Studies of respective Department and be submitted directly to the office of Controller of Examinations under the sealed cover as “Confidential” information. The Controller of Examinations shall get the final approval of the Vice Chancellor for such appointment before processing the thesis with these examiners. (Amended by Academic Council in its meeting held on 22-02-2005
57. Each External Examiner shall explicitly state in his report:
i. Whether or not the thesis is of sufficient merit to justify the award of Ph.D. Degree to the candidate. ii. Whether the candidate should be allowed to revise and re-submit his thesis. In the later case the guide lines on which the thesis should be revised must be clearly stated.
58. If the examiners approve the thesis, the candidate shall be recommended for the award of the degree.
59. If both the examiners reject thesis, the candidate shall be declared to have failed. However, the Advanced Studies and Research Board may allow a student to re-conduct his research and/or re-submit his thesis as recommended by his Supervisory Committee. This facility would be available only once. 60. If one of the Examiners approves the thesis and other rejects it, a third examiner shall be appointed for the evaluation. If the third examiner approves the thesis, the candidate shall be recommended for the award of the degree, otherwise he shall be declared to have failed.
61. If one of the examiners approves the thesis and the other is of the view that it is not acceptable in the form in which it has been presented but requires revision, the following procedure shall be followed. i. The Supervisory Committee of the candidate may either:
a. Write to the examiners concerned explaining why it is not possible to revise the thesis and taking that it should be examined in its original form, or b. If the views of the examiner were acceptable to the Committee, require the candidate to revise and re-submit the thesis within a period not exceeding one semesters, for-re-evaluation. ii. If the examiner approves the original thesis or the revised thesis, as the case may be the candidate shall be recommended for the award of the degree. iii. In case of disagreement between the Supervisory Committee and the examiner, the matter shall be referred to the Advanced Studies and Research Board which may suggest such action as it may consider expedient. 62. If both the examiners express the opinion that the thesis as presented, is not acceptable, but required revision the following procedure shall be adopted. i. In case the lines, on which the examiners have suggested revision of the thesis, are substantially the same and are acceptable to the Supervisory Committee, they shall call upon the candidate to revise the thesis on these lines and re-submit it within a period not exceeding one semesters, for re-evaluation. The revised thesis shall then be sent to the examiners and the procedure laid down in regulation 58, 59 and 60 shall be followed. ii. In case the lines on which the examiners have suggested revision are not acceptable to the Supervisory Committee, the matter shall be referred to the Advanced Studies and Research Board which may suggest such action as it may consider expedient. iii. In case a candidate, who is required to revise and re-submit his thesis, does not do so within the period allowed, he shall be declared to have failed.
63. Before a Ph.D. student is awarded a degree, he shall be required to publish an article based on his original research, through his Supervisor in one of the leading English Newspapers and he shall also furnish a letter countersigned by his Supervisor alongwith the proof that he has submitted all the research papers which are possible out of the thesis to International journals or local journals of good standard. Note: - The expenditure to be incurred on research articles submitted to foreign journals will be borne by the University out of an endowment fund to be instituted for purpose. 64. If the thesis, submitted by a candidate for final evaluation, is proved to be copied / plagiarized, it will be liable to be rejected. The admission of such a candidate shall be cancelled and he will not be readmitted to Ph.D. under any circumstances.
65. If the thesis of a candidate is proved to be plagiarized after its evaluation and declaration of result, previous result of the candidate will be cancelled and he will be declared to have failed in thesis Examination. Such a candidate shall not be readmitted to Ph.D. under any circumstances. IV. Exmination Fees 66. University Examination fees shall be charged at the time of enrolment for each semester. However, thesis evaluation fee will be charged at the time of submission of thesis. V. General 67. A candidate who has fulfilled all the requirements prescribed for the course shall be awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy |