The semester system is already enforced at the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore both at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. The following are the Statutes and Regulations prescribing the conditions under which students are admitted to the Courses and conduct of Examinations of the University which shall make them eligible for the award of the following degrees
The semester-wise grouping / splitting of courses, allocation of teaching time as well as marks for each course and the pre-requisites of different courses shall be determined by the respective Boards of Studies and approved by the Syndicate on the recommendations of the Boards of Faculties and the Academic Council. Wherever possible, courses may be split into Theory and Practical.
The respective Boards of Studies are at liberty to recommend the modification, integration, expansion and remodeling of the courses in whatever from they like, in order to meet the requirements of the Semester system.
The courses will be approved by the respective Boards of Studies and the Boards of Faculties for submission to the Curriculum Committees and the Academic Council and the Syndicate for approval. The changes, if any, be suggested by the Curriculum Committee will be given in juxta-position and not incorporated in the contents received from the Board of Studies/Faculties.
A. Inter-disciplinary Study:
In order to promote inter-disciplinary study, the ratio (relative emphasis) which has already been approved for various degree programmes in the University will remain the same with minor adjustments, if necessary. A student majoring in a subject shall not be allowed to take inter-disciplinary course (minor) in his own discipline.
B. Work Load of Teachers
In addition to research work and other assignments, there shall be the following teaching load for the teachers:-
Professor -- 6 hours a week
Associate Professor -- 10 -do-
Assistant Professor -- 14 -do-
Lecturer -- 16 -do-
The total enrolled students in a class will form a group for a theory lecture. The maximum group size for practical will be 20 students, subject to subsequent adjustments in the number of students, if need be, within the existing available facilities / resources.
Adequate facilities (staff, secretarial assistance, equipment, rooms and better libraries) must be provided for the proper implementation of the new system.
Book Bank facilities be made more elaborate and the requirements of text-books be made available for the students.
Additional funds to meet the increased expenditure in each department be provided. One steno-typist be made available to each Dean / Director and a typist in each department.
training workshop for one week, well before the commencement of the first Semester, to introduce various aspects of the Semester system to the teachers and students of the University be hold. A Committee would prepare a list of topics, the names of speakers and the detailed programme for the said workshop.
Teachers play a key role in the education system. Efforts be made to instill in them spirit of dedication for teaching. In this regard suitable steps may be taken to ensure integrity, regularity and punctuality on the part of the teachers.
Arrangements be made for short term exchange of teachers between various Veterinary institutions of the country. This period may be one or two Semesters.
Training courses of short duration be arranged for the new teachers and short refresher courses for the senior teachers.
The objectives of the course be clearly outlined to the students to create interest in the subject.
Details of all the Courses and Syllabi for the degree be made available to the students at the time of admission.
As far as possible, uniformity of standard in course contents, teaching and evaluation be ensured in different Veterinary institutions in the country.
The question papers be properly designed including both subjective and objective type of questions to judge the comprehension and capability of the students.
When a particular course is being offered to different sections by different teachers, co-ordination amongst the teachers be maintained in teaching and evaluation through the Board of Studies concerned.
The regulations pertaining to the conduct of the monthly or periodical tests and the submission of results be strictly followed.
Laboratories and Library be kept open for longer periods so that the students are able to make full use of these facilities.
Teaching aids such as projectors, photographing equipments and duplicating facilities be provided in each Faculty, as far as possible.
Change of teachers during the semesters and even short leave by them be discouraged to avoid disruption in teaching programme.
For success of semester working, study habits of the students have to be improved. To achieve this, it is recommended that rapid reading courses be introduced in the University for students.
Parents be kept informed about the progress of their wards. After each semester, a card showing the progress of the ward in studies and extra-curricular activities be sent by the tutors to the parents.
The respective Boards of Studies should review the progress of students in semester system, periodically
Tutorial groups are required to be effective
The teachers will maintain record on the prescribed forms.The forms (UG-1 to UG-4) and the answer books for Examination are supplied by the office of the Controller of Examinations.
The Grading System will be on progressive basis according to the marks obtained e.g. in grade D,
40=1, 41=1.1, 42=1.2, 43=1.3, 44=1.4,
45=1.5, 46=1.6, 47=1.7, 48=1.8, 49=1.9, and so on