Directorate of University Advancement & Financial Aid |
Office of University AdvancementMessageThe University Advancement Office is about creating awareness for higher education, building relationships with the society and generating support for university academic programs, research and infrastructure. In this regards office of university advancement starts Scholarship enhancement program (SEP). The core objective of this program is to support the students who are academically gifted but cannot afford the cost of attending university. Moreover the office also responsible for the design, implementation and management of programs to raise funds from university sources with particular emphasis upon the corporate sector, alumni, individual private donors, Non-government organizations and international partners. We always welcome your suggestions, ideas and comments please feel free to contact us. Mission StatementThe mission of the Office of University Advancement is to present to the public and to all stakeholders a clear, consistent and focused message about the university's mission, goals, priorities and performance to increase public understanding and support for improving the quality and effectiveness of academic programs, research, and services. Moreover the office also responsible for the design, implementation and management of programs to raise funds from university source with particular emphasis upon the corporate sector, alumni, individual private donors, Non-government organizations and international partners. Vision StatementOur vision is to provide a leadership role in University’s advancement activities through Commercialization, Industrial linkages, Boosting up individual and alumni support, generating fundraising opportunities, local and international donors and to create new opportunities for students and alumni of UVAS. Values StatementOur values are traits of our office and we are using these values and professionalism to achieve the goals of Office of University Advancement.
The work of University Advancement includes:
Focal PersonAssistant Director University AdvancementMr. Qasim HussainEmail: Office: +92-42-99213937, 042-99211449-99211374