Quality Operations Laboratory


It is depicted with enormous pleasure that there is rapid advancement in teaching and research organizations at public and private sector. But technical man-power including support staff to handle highly sophisticated laboratory equipments and to execute high tech research is scanty. QOL, UVAS, Lahore has initiated Human Accelerated Resource Development (HARD) Program in areas of special interest of stack holders

Participants of the Workshop
Transfer of BHK-21 cells

It is planned to conduct following workshops regularly as per given schedule.

Sr #
Name of the workshop
1 January
Maintenance and cultivation of Baby Hamster Kidney (BHK-21) cell line
2 February
Immuno-assay for diagnosis of Foot and Mouth Disease in bovine
3 March
Molecular diagnosis of FMD virus in epithelial tissues from infected animals
4 April
Production, purification and concentration of mycotoxins (AFLA) and preparation of its standards.
5 May Production and evaluation of viral vaccine
6 June
Molecular diagnosis of bird flu virus from infected birds
7 July

Preparation and evaluation of anti-buffalo IgG X turnip-peroxidase conjugate
Purification, concentration and titration of turnip peroxidase

8 August
Use of chemistry and hematological analyzer in diagnostic laboratory
9 September
Serological tests (CFT, VN, ELISA) for monitoring of FMD vaccinated animals
10 October

Biological titration of embryo as well as cell culture adapted viruses
Use of fluorescent microscope for rabies diagnosis

11 November Practical Veterinary Epidemiology
12 December

Monitoring of adulterants in market milk
Monitoring of residues of antibiotics, pesticides and mycotoxin in market milk



  1. Candidates are requested to submit their registration forms upto 15nth of each month so as the workshop may be started in subsequent month.

  2. Each of the workshops shall also be advertised on UVAS website.

  3. Each of the workshops shall be held if number of candidates more than five.

Government funded projects are base line for generation of knowledge based technology and its dissemination to researchers, faculty members, production managers, quality controllers, postgraduate students etc., of teaching, research or commercial organization from all over the country. In this way more than 200 candidates have been trained.
Pakistan is a 5th largest milk producing country and currently, has more than 50 million cattle and buffaloes, 87 million sheep and goats and 0.2 million camels. There are high yielder genetic dairy animals such as Nilli-Ravi buffaloes, Sahiwal Cow, Kajli Sheep and Beetle Goat. Without application of scientific tools, dairy farmers are producing more than 33 million tons of milk. The country is exporting animal by-products including milk worth more than Rs 53 billions every year.