Societies & Clubs


Intellectual Development & Educational Awareness Society


“To promote education as a comprehensive process for human and social transformation”

Our aim is to instill the concept and importance of working for the community. Our ambition is to motivate our university students belonging to the diverse background to go back and work for their local communities


  • To make educated people aware of their social responsibilities.
  •  Career counseling in areas lacking informative background.
  •  Create individuals motivated enough to go back in community and work for their people.
  •  Organize sessions on Capacity building. 
  • Introduce new, innovative mode of communication to motivate the students to explore their potentials.
  • Arrange awareness sessions by going to schools and colleges. 
  • Periodically arrange workshop and public lecture.
  • Promoting optimistic approach in community.
  • Cultivate norms of citizenship through redesigned education processes based on respect for diversity, heritage, universal human rights and tolerance.
  • Promote Ideas of patriotism among the people.
  • Promote religious and cultural harmony.
  • Make People Smile, Make people spread ease for fellow beings.
  • Promote and support innovative ideas.
  • Through the power of quality education enabling moral, spiritual, and intellectual enlightenment.


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Concerned faculty members

Dr. Haroon Akbar
Deptt of Parasitology