Ongoing Research Projects from International Funding Agencies
Sr.# Title Cost (M) Funding Agency PI CO-PI Department Duration Date of Approval 
1 A metagenomic approach to unbiased identification of pathogens endemic to Pakistan     52.05969 USAID Dric Thomas Harvill (US side) & Dr. Masood Rabbani (Pak side) Walter Mcvey, Bhushan Jayarao (US side) & Muhammad Zubair Shabbir (Pak side) Directorate of UDL 3 years  01-04-11
2 Bio-Statistical Consulting centre     6.5 USAID Dr. Muhammad Aleem Muhammad Bilal Bio-Statistics and Computer Sciences 3 years  23/02/2011
3 Molecular Characterization of NDV and Development of Approaches to Vaccination    27 USAID Dr. Shafqat Fatima Rehmani Mr. Taseer Ahmad Khan Directorate of WTO 2 years  01-10-11
4 Spatial Ecology and Epidemiology of Soil borne Human and Animal Bacterial Pathogens and its Public health Significance in Pakistan     32.4 USAID Bhushan Jayarao (US side) Dr. Masood Rabbani (Pak side) Eric Thomas Harvill, Walter Mevey (US side) Muhammad Zubair Shabbir (Pak side) Directorate of UDL 3 years  01-04-11
5 Discovery of gentic variation that enhances improvement of dairy production and health in cattle and buffalo 31.65885 USAID Prof. Dr. Masroor Ellahi Babar Dr. Tad S. Son Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 3 years extended up to June 2012 01-11-08
6 Characterization of Mycoplasma gallisepticum isolates from Pakistan and their use in biologies production    20.2896 USAID Prof. Dr. Masood Rabbani Prof. Dr. Khushi Muhammad Directorate of UDL 3 years  21/03/2011
7 New approaches of Estrus Synchronization to improve reproductive performance in dairy animals    8.3 USAID Prof. Dr. Naseem Ahmad Dr. Mian Abdul Sattar Theriogenology 3 years  29/04/2011
8 Identification of Molecular markers for internal nematode resistance in Sheep and goat breeds of Pakistan  2.6 IAEA Prof. Dr. Masroor Ellahi Babar   Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2 years  
9 Effect of Environmental pollutants on fish and fisheries in Punjab 2.97 HEC-BC Inspire  Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shirf Mughal Dr. Noor Khan Fisheries and Aquaculture 3 years  01-07-11
10 On site training/education of fish farmers and local community about deleterious effects of environmental pollution 1.4 HEC-BC Inspire  Prof. Dr. M. Sharif Mughal        
11 Comparative study of ruminal Ammonium transport  62.934 DAAD Dr. Imtiaz Rabbani   Physiology 2 years 12-12-12