UVAS Press Releases

UVAS arranges daylong “PhD Scholars workshop on HEC Graduate Policy 2023”

LAHORE (25-04-24): The University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore in collaboration with UVAS Quality Enhancement Cell arranged an informative “PhD Scholars workshop on HEC Graduate Policy 2023” here on Thursday at City Campus.

Dean Faculty of Veterinary Science Prof Dr Aneela Zameer Durrani spoke about the objectives of the workshop to participants. She said objectives of the workshop were to create awareness among students regarding Higher Education Commission graduate policy 2023 and also to get the feedback from the participants regarding graduate policy to evaluate it.

Registrar Sajjad Hyder, Director QEC Dr Dawar Hameed Mughal, Controller of Examination Syed Zargham Hyder, Organizing Secretary Dr Ghulam Mustafa and 33 PhD scholars of UVAS attended the workshop. Various aspects have been discussed related to PhD degree programme including admission criteria, PhD course work, comprehensive exam, thesis, research paper, write up and similarity index etc.