Dr.Ghulam Mustafa    

DVM (UVAS), M.Phil (UVAS), PhD scholar

Tel: 92-42-99211449-187
Mobile: 923214748826
Email: gmustafa@uvas.edu.pk


Dr.Ghulam Mustafa is a lecturer, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. He holds DVM and M.Phil degree in Pathology. He is PhD scholar in the Department of Pathology. He has over three years teaching and research experience in university of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. He has published one research paper in impact factor journal. His M.Phil research focused on Pathological Studies of Caseous Lymphadenitis in Small Ruminants. His research data shows that there is low prevalence of Caseous Lymphadenitis in Lahore area. His study shows that in our situation the gross lesions of this disease appear mostly in superficial lymph nodes and in the lungs. Both cutaneous and visceral forms are prevalent in our areas. Gross lesions associated with this disease are pyogranulomas and abscess on the affected organs. Histopathological lesions include caseous necrosis along with infiltration of mononuclear cells.

Dr.Mustsfa expertise is in the field of Pathology especially in the field of Histopathology and Necropsy examination of small and large animals. His area of interest is histopathological examination. He has published one research paper. He is also working as an incharge of histopathology laboratory which is an essential component of Department of Pathology, UVAS. He is also the secretary of Board of Studies of Department of Pathology UVAS and member of UVAS 24/7 Extension Service.

Area of Interest:

  • Histopathological examination of biopsy samples
  • Disease diagnosis through necropsy examination.




  1. A. H. Cheema*, I. Ahmed, G. Mustafa and A. Aslam (2012) Peracute Canine Hepatitis. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 32 (2): 277-279