Prof. Dr. Aneela Zameer Durrani
Ph.D. Post Doc (USA)
Tel: 092-42-99211374 - Ext 281
Mobile: 0323 4032673
HEC, Approved Supervisor
Sr. No | Subject |
Class |
1 |
General Medicine |
2 |
Systemic Medicine-I |
3 |
Systemic Medicine-II |
4 |
Medicine Clinic-I |
5 |
Medicine Clinic-II |
6 |
Biotechnology in Animal Health |
M.Phil/PhD |
7 |
Veterinary Medicine and Human Health |
M.Phil/PhD |
8 |
Advanced Readings in Veterinary Medicine |
M.Phil/PhD |
Areas of interest
- Won HEC research grant under NRPU programme .The two year project # 666 titled Epidemiology and economic losses of theileriosis in Bovine was successfully completed.
- Conducted research on epidemiology, serodiagnosis and chemoprophylaxis of theileriosis in six different districts of Pakistan during P.hD. Used herbal plant,Calotropis procera, for treatment of theileriosis with successful results. Calotropis procera is an alternative to Buparvaquone. Looking forward to develop patent herbal medicine for theileriosis from this herbal plant.
- Have interest in tick borne diseases with special reference to public health. Did research on tick borne diseases in Minnesota in wild animals and provided useful results of research to the Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota for planning effective control measures for these diseases in moose population. Have interest to learn modern diagnostic tools and tests in research and work on tick borne diseases from public health perspective in Pakistan. Also have interests in adoptive research in my field and in planning and running projects for dairy farmers and rural women trainings of Pakistan.
- Poultry Management handbook for rural women. (in Urdu).
- Urdu booklet on Theileriosis and PPR for farmers.
- Importance of water, Importance of teddy goats. (Urdu article for farmers in local magazine Chopaal)
- The Black Jewel of Pakistan, classification, breeds and potentiality of buffalo in Pakistan. The Professional Times, October 2004.
- The Sahiwal Cattle of Pakistan. The Professional Times. Feb 2005.
- Role of Rangelands and Livestock in Punjab, The fulfillment of the basic Subsistence needs of the pastoral communities. The Professional Times. Feb 2006.
- Developed 20 training modules and flip chart series for rural women training Nestle CELDEC project. Modules for vocational training of field staff –Farm production advisors, Community farm advisors, Regional extension officers of Pakistan Dairy Development Company.
- Handbook of prevalent diseases in field in Punjab.
- Hand book on Diagnostic techniques in Parasitology
- Famous Livestock Breeds of the Punjab, Pakistan. January 2000.
- Proceedings on expert consultation on breeding status and Future policy requirements for increased productivity 27th to 30th April, 1997. Held at Lahore, Pakistan.
- Proceedings of Conference on successful and sustainable livestock organizations.26th to 29th Octobar, 1999. Held at Lahore, Pakistan.
- Developed Training Manual for National Rural Support Programme, Balochistan Environmental Education Journey, Quetta.Baluchistan,DOABA foundation, Awaaz Foundation etc. for field AIT’s and Extension workers.(2011)
- Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Epidemiology .Text Book for Livestock Assistant Two Years Diploma course.
- A.Z. Durrani,M.S. Khan and N. Kamal (2005). Incidence of Theileriosis andchemoprophylaxis with herbal medicine in cattle of union council. Jia Bagga, Lahore,Pakistan.J Animal and Plant Science, 15(3-4). (ISSN: 1018-7081).
- A.Z. Durrani,N. Kamal and M.S. Khan (2006). Incidence of Theileriosis and estimation of Packed Cell Volume,Total erythrocytic count and Hemoglobin in Buffalo. J Animal and Plant Science, 16(3-4).
- A.Z. Durrani,N. Kamal and M.S. Khan (2007). Prevalence of Fasioliosis and estimation of Packed Cell Volume, Total erythrocytic count and Hemoglobin in Buffalo of Union Council Jia Bagga, District Lahore. JAnimal and Plant Science,17(1-2):27-29.
- A.Z. Durrani,N. Kamal and M.S.Khan (2007). Serodiagnosis of Haemonchosis in smallruminants. J Animaland Plant Science, 17(3-4):56-58.
- A.Z. Durrani,M. Ashraf, A. Mukhtar, N.Kamal and N. Mumtaz (2008).Prevalence of Theileriosisin Buffalo through Blood Smear Examination and PCRin District Lahore. J Animal and Plant Science, 18(2-3):57-60.
- A.Z. Durrani, A.R. Shakoori and N. Kamal (2008). Bionomics of Hyalomma ticks in three districts in Punjab, Pakistan. J Animal and Plant Science, 18(1):20-23.
- A.Z. Durrani andN. Kamal (2009). Prevalence of Genital Tract Problems in Clinical Cases of Various SpeciesofAnimals. J Animal and Plant Science, 19(3): 160-162 ISSN: 1018-7081.
- A.Z. Durrani, H.Z. Durrani and N.kamal (2010). Comparative efficacy of different therapeutic agents in experimental infection of leishmaniasis in hamsters.JAnimal and Plant Sciences 19(3): 160-162.
- A.Z. Durrani and N.Kamal (2007) Identification of ticks and detection of blood protozoa in Friesian cattle by Polymerase chain reaction test and estimation of blood parameters in district Kasur, Pakistan. Trop. Animal Health and Production,40: 441-447.
- A.Z. Durrani, A. Maqbool, N. Mahmood, N. Kamaland A.R. Shakoori (2009). Chemotherapeutic trials with Calotropis procera Against Experimental Infection with Theileria annulata in Cross Bred Cattle in Pakistan. Pakistan J. Zool., 41(5): 389-397.
- A.Z.Durrani and A.R. Shakoori (2009) Study on Ecological Growth Conditions of Cattle Hyalomma tick in Punjab, Pakistan.IranianJournal of Parasitology. 4(1) : 24-30.
- A.Z. Durrani, A.R.Shakoori , N. Mehmood (2010).Comparison of three diagnostic methods for Theileria annulata in Sahiwal and Friesian cattle in Pakistan. Pakistan J .Zool., Vol 42(4) : 467-472.
- A.Z. Durrani, N. Kamal, A.R. Shakoori and N. Mehmood(2011).Prevalence of Ovine Theileria Species In District Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan J.Zool.,Vol 43(1) : 57-60..
- A.Z. Durrani, N. Kamal, A.R. Shakoori and R.M.Younus (2010).Prevalence of post parturient haemoglobinuria in Buffaloand therapeutic trials with toldimfos sodium and tea leaves in Pakistan.Turkish J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 34(3):25-28.
- A.Z. Durrani, A.R. Shakoori and N. Mehmood (2010). Prevalence of Peste des Petits Ruminants (KATA) in Sheep and Goats of Punjab. Pakistan J. Zool., 42(3): 211-216.
- A.Z. Durrani, H.Z. Durrani and N.Kamal (2011). Prevalence of cutaneous LeishmaniasisinHumans andDogs in Pakistan.Pakistan J.Zool.,Vol 43(2) pp 263-271.
- A.Z. Durrani , H.Z. Durrani and N.Kamal (2012). Prevalence of Leishmaniain Sand Fly inPakistan. Pak. J. Zoology.45(2) :266-277
- H.Amira,A.Z.Durrani and ,Goyal S.M.(2010). Retrospective study of different pathogens causing diarrhoea in horses in Minnesota.RJAS.,42(2) : 77-82.
- A.Z.Durrani and S.M.Goyal.(2011). Retrospective study on seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Elk and Moose in Minnesota J. Anim. Plant Sci.21(3):17-20.
- A.Z.Durrani and S.M.Goyal.(2011). Serprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Horses in Minnesota .J.Equine Science.31(8):427-498.
- A.Z.Durrani and S.M.Goyal.(2012). Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Dogs in Minnesota .Turkish J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 36(2): 137-141
- A.Z.Durrani and S.M.Goyal.(2012). A retrospective study of Anaplasma in cattle in Minnesota Turkish J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 36(2): 131-136.
- H.Z. Durrani.A.Z.Durrani and Nadeem Kamal.(2010).Comparative efficacy of different therapeutic agents in experimentally indiced Leishmaniasis in Hamsters.J. Anim. Plant Sci.20(1):13-16.
- M. Ijaz, M. S. Khan, A. Z. Durrani, M. H. Saleem, A. S. Chaudhry & K. Mehmood (2011).Prevalence and haematological-Biochemical studies of Strangles (Strptococcus equi) affected horses in Pakistan.Published in JAPS
- Aneela.Z.Durrani, Muhammad Younus*,Imtiaz Ahmad.(2016).Clinicopathological Study Of Deg Nala Among Buffaloes And Cattle In Muridkey And Narang Mundi In Punjab, Pakistan.submitted to Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science. (Accepted for publication,In Press).
- S. K. Mor , M. Abin , G. Costa , A. Durrani , N. Jindal , S. M. Goyal , and D. P. Patnayak.(2011) The role of type-2 turkey astrovirus in poult enteritis syndrome. Poultry Science 90 :2747–2752.
- Aneela.Z.Durrani, ,Imtiaz Ahmad.(2012). Participatory Disesae Surveillance of Transboundary Animal Diseases in South Azad Jammur & Kashmir.Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 47(3), pp. 857-860, 2015.
- Khalid Mehmood, Muhammad Ijaz, Aneela Zameer Durrani (2013) Infection Rate and Therapeutic Trials on Various Gastrointestinal Parasites in Sheep and Goats in and Around Lahore, Pakistan Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 45(2), pp. 489-494, 2013.
- Muhammad Hassan Saleem,1 Muhammad Sarwar Khan,1 Aneela Zameer Durrani (2013) Leptospirosis: An Emerging Zoonosis in Pakistan. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 45(4), pp. 909-912, 2013.
- Beenish Zahid,1 Muti-ur-Rehman Khan,1 Asim Aslam,1 Aneela Zameer Durrani (2013) Effect of a Herbal Supplement Livol on the Growth Performance and Antibody Response against Infectious Bursal Disease Virus in Broiler Chicks. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 45(5), pp. 0-0, 2013 (PJZ-1414-13)
- M. Saeed, A.Z. Durrani, M.A. Khan, A. Maqbool, M. Avais, M. Ijaz, I. Ahmad, M.Younus, K. Mehmood, M. Siddiqa, S.Naz.(2016). Prevalence of bovine and bubalinecysticercosisin Punjab, Pakistan.J. Anim. Plant Sci., 26 (2)
- M. Saeed, A.Z. Durrani, M.A. Khan, A. Maqbool, M. Avais, M. Ijaz, I. Ahmad, M.Younus, K. Mehmood, M. Siddiqa, S.Naz(2016). Cysticercous bovis induced haematological and biochemical changes in cattle and buffalo .J. Anim. Plant Sci., 26 (3).
- Ahmad I. A.Z. Durrani, M.S. Khan, K. Ashraf, M. Avais, M.Ijaz, M.H. Saleem, M. Saeed, N. Ahmad, K. Hameed. (2016).Fasciolosis in Small Ruminants and its association with higher altitude regions of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.Pakistan.J. Anim. Plant Sci., 26 (6)
- Ahmad I., A. Z. Durrani1, M. S. Khan1, K. Ashraf, M. Avais, M. Ijaz, M. H. Saleem, N. Ahmad, M. Saeed1, N. Mehmood, K. Hameed. (2017)Morphometric and Molecular Identification of Fasciolids at different Altitudes of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan.J. Anim. Plant Sci., 27(1) pp:
- Anisa Mushtaq, Nisar Ahmad, Haroon Akbar, Aneela Zameer Durrani,Muhammad Waqas, Mohsin Nawaz, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Sajid Mahmood Sajid,Muhammad Akhtar Qureshi and Abid Hussain,(2015)Theapeutic efficacy of Fumaria caealpinia and oxyclozanide against Fasioliosis in naturally infected sheep in Rawalakot AJK, Pakistan.World Journal of Zoology 10(2)pp 118-123.
- S. Iqbal, A. Riaz, S. M. H. Andrabi, Q. Shahzad, A. Z. Durrani & N. Ahmad.(2016) L-Cysteine improves antioxidant enzyme activity, post-thaw quality and fertility of Nili-Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)bull spermatozoa. Andrologia , xx, 1–7,. DOI: 10.1111/and.12520.
- Sadaqat Ali, Muhammad Ijaz,Aneela Zameer Durrani, Azhar Maqbool,Muhammad Mudassir Ali and Khalid Mehmood(2016)Epidemiological Aspects of Bovine Tick Infestationin the River Ravi Region, Lahore1.Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 48(2), pp. 563-567.
- Muhammad Rizwan, Aneela Zameer Durrani, Muhammad Ijaz, Muhammad Kashif and Sehrish Firyal. Clinico-Bacteriological Investigation of Sub-Clinical and Clinical Mastitis in Dairy Goats. Veterinaria., 2016. vol. 4, pp. 4-6.
- Sidra Aslam, Aneela Zameer Durrani, Muhammad Rizwan and Muhammad Kashif. Comparative Efficacy of Metronidazole in Combination Colistinsulphate and Probiotics against Clostridium Perfringes and Their Effects on Histopathological Features of Visceral Organs in Broiler. Veterinaria., 2016.vol. 4, pp. 11-17.
- M. Saeed 1 , A.Z. Durrani 1 , M.A. Khan 1 , A. Maqbool 2 , M. Avais 1 , M.Younus 3 , A. I. Aqib 1 , I. Ahmad 1 and M. Ijaz. Cysticercus Bovis Induced Hemato-Biochemical Changes In Cattle And Buffaloes. 2016. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 26(3):2016. Pp.
- Haq Aman Ullah1, Aneela Zameer Durrani, Muhammad Ijaz and Aqeel Javeed. Aflatoxin B1 Contamination Status of Concentrate Feeds of DairyGoats in Lahore, Pakistan. SJA.,32(2): 57-61.