Contact information
BS (Hons), M. Phil (UVAS)
Mr. Mian Mubashar Saleem is working as a Lecturer of Poultry Production in the Department of Animal Sciences at KBCMA, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (CVAS), Narowal (Sub-campus of UVAS, Lahore) since Nov 03, 2017. He has completed his BS (Hons.) Poultry Science in 2012 from Department of Poultry Production, University of Veterinary and Animal Science, Lahore. He has received his Master degree in Poultry Production in 2016, from the same university. In his M. Phil research, he has worked on commercial layers molting. Title of his research work was “Performance and immune response of layers among different production cycles and body weight losses during molting”.
After the completion of BS (Hons), he has worked in a commercial layer farm Din Farm Products (Pvt) Ltd as Assistant Farm Manager for the period of 3.5 years. He has also worked as Assistant Production Manager in commercial feed mill Shahzore Feeds (Pvt) Ltd for 1.5 year.
Area of Interest
- Layer Farming
- Broiler Production
- Poultry Housing and Environment Management
- Poultry Nutrition
- Chicken Behaviour and Welfare
Sr. # | Research Title | Year | Impact Factor |
1. | F. Sarwar, R. Akhtar, Q. Akram, H. M. Rizwan, M. A. Naeem, A. Azad, M. S. Rahman, M. M. Saleem, M.N. Anwar, B. Zahid, M. Tariq, Z. Habib. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplemented diet on production performance, egg quality and humoral immunity in Black Australorp and Fayoumi Layers. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. 2023 V.25 N.2 / 1-8
2022 | 1.019 |
2. | M. M. Saleem, J. Hussain, U. Elahi, E. U. Khan, M. Usman, S. G. M. Hashmi, S. Ahmad. Interaction effects of age and body weight losses during moulting on the performance of commercial laying hens. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 46(1): 1-8. doi:10.3906/vet-2111-39
2022 | 0.581 |
3. | B. Zahid, Raheela Akhtar, Q. A. Ahmed, Q. Akrama, R. Yasmeen, M. K. Ateeq, M. Raza, H. M. Rizwan, Z. Iqbal, M. M. Saleem, M. Imran. Clinico-pathological assessment of virulent Newcastle Disease Virus in ducks. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 84: e250607 | | 2021 | 1.651 |
4. | M. Usman, H.M. Ishaq, A. Mahmud, E. Bughio, M. Azhar, M.M. Saleem, M.F. Riaz, H.A. Raza, M. Hussain, H.R. Abdullatif, S. Ahmad. Morphometric measurements and carcass characteristics of Black Australorp, Naked Neck, and Rhode Island Red crossbreds under alternative production systems. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 83: e252594 | 2021 | 1.651 |
Total Impact Factor = 4.902 |
- Mahmud, S. Mehmood, M. Irfan, A. Javid, J. Hussain, S. Ahmad, M. Usman, Saleem. 2017. Performance of commercial layers at different cage tiers and housing zones. Book of Abstracts. International Poultry Scientific Forum, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia. p. 21
- Asad T, Mehmood S, Mahmud A, Javed K, Hussain J, Hussnain F, Saleem MM. 2016. Efficacy of different anti-stressors on growth performance and immunity of broilers reared during hot and humid seasons. The Proceedings of XXV World’s Poultry Congress 2016 – Abstracts. World’s Poultry Science Association. XXV World’s Poultry Congress, Beijing, China. p. 186
- Irfan, S. Mehmood, A. Mahmud, A. Javid, M.M. Saleem, M. Usman, F. Hussnain, S. Ahmad. 2016. Effect of different cage tiers and housing zones on productive performance and egg quality of the commercial layer. The Proceedings of XXV World’s Poultry Congress 2016 – Abstracts. World’s Poultry Science Association. XXV World’s Poultry Congress, Beijing, China. p. 506
- M. Saleem, J. Hussain, A. Mahmud, A. Javid, F. Hussnain, M. Irfan, M. Usman, S. Ahmad. 2016. Production performance of commercial layer influenced by body weight losses during molting. The Proceedings of XXV World’s Poultry Congress 2016 – Abstracts. World’s Poultry Science Association. XXV World’s Poultry Congress, Beijing, China. p. 543
- Riaz, M. Akram, J. Hussain, S. Mehmood, M. Saleem, S. Ahmad. 2012. Comparative study on productive performance, egg quality, and egg geometry of three age groups of indigenous mianwali aseel chicken in Pakistan. Book of Abstracts. Agriculture and Food Security Issues in Global Environmental Prospective. The University of Poonch, Rawalakot. p. 285
National and International Conferences
- Three days “Poultry Science Conference”, International Poultry Expo-2022 held at Expo Center Lahore, 15th - 17th September 2022 organized by Pakistan Poultry Association and UVAS Lahore.
- Three days “Poultry Science Conference”, International Poultry Expo-2019 held at Expo Center Lahore, 13th -15th September 2019 organized by Pakistan Poultry Association and UVAS Lahore.
- Three days “Poultry Science Conference”, International Poultry Expo -2018 held at Expo Centre, Johar Town, Lahore 27th -29th September 2018 organized by Pakistan Poultry Association and UVAS Lahore.
- International Livestock, Dairy & Poultry Congress (ILDPC) held at Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Lahore (March 2018).
- 1st International Conference on “Poultry Processing: Farm to Fork Management held at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore (November 1-2, 2017).
- Three days “Poultry Science Conference”, International Poultry Expo -2017 held at Expo Centre, Johar Town, Lahore 24th -26th August, 2017 organized by Pakistan Poultry Association and UVAS Lahore.
- International Poultry Expo (IPEX-2016) held at Expo Centre, Lahore under the auspices of Pakistan Poultry Association (September 22-24, 2016).
- International Poultry Nutrition Conference and Expo at Pearl Continental Hotel-Lahore (November 3-4, 2015).
- 16th International Poultry Expo (IPEX-2014) held at Expo Centre, Johar Town, Lahore (September 25-27, 2014).
- 15th International Poultry Expo (IPEX-2013) held at Expo Centre, Lahore (September 26-28, 2013).
- 14th International Poultry Expo (IPEX-2012) at Expo Centre Johar Town, Lahore (September 28-30, 2012).
- National Poultry and Food Expo (NAPFEX-2011) held at Expo Centre, Johar Town, Lahore (September 16-17, 2011).
- National Poultry and Food Expo (NAPFEX-2010) held at Expo Centre, Lahore (September 24-25, 2010).
- Baba-e-Poultry Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Poultry Conference held at University of Agriculture Faisalabad (March 23, 2010).
Trainings and Workshops
- One day workshop on “Rabies and Responsible Pet Ownership” held on 28th September 2021 at KBCMA CVAS, Narowal.
- One day workshop on “Advanced Techniques in Biochemical Research” held on 15th December 2019 at KBCMA CVAS, Narowal.
- One day workshop on “Effective Teaching Skills” held on 15th October 2019 at KBCMA CVAS, Narowal.
- Three days training on “Constructive Alignment of Teaching Learning Context” held on 18th -20th March 2019 organized by In-Service Training of Advance Veterinary Education and Professional Development (IVPD).
- One-month training “UVAS Dairy Training Module on Buffaloes and Cattle” held on 20th June-19th July 2018 held at Dairy Training and Research Centre Ravi Campus Pattoki, organized by In-Service Training Facility of Advance Veterinary Education and Professional Development for Veterinary Professionals (IVPD).
- Workshop on “Vaccine Production” held on 18th - 20th July 2011 at Department of Poultry Production Ravi Campus Pattoki.
Other Publications (Newspaper and Magazine)
- “Molting of commercial layers: A useful technique to improve the performance” in Pakistan Poultry Mag (North Zone) Volume 5, Issue May, 25 2016. p. 30.
Online Training/Courses:
- Two days virtual refresher course on “Biorisk Management” held on 22nd - 23rd September 2021 at HSP CANVAS organized by Association of Biorisk Management.
- Five days of virtual training on “Biorisk Management” held on 28th December 2020 - 1st January 2021 at HSP CANVAS organized by the Association of Biorisk Management.
- One-month online course on “Chicken Behavior and Welfare” held in May 2020 by the University of Edinburgh at Coursera.