Contact information
Associate Professor
PhD Islamic Studies (UoK)
M.A Arabic & Islamic Studies
Licentiate in Shariah & Social Sciences
Dr. Hafiz Hussain Azhar, presently working as Associate Professor and Chairman of Department of Social Sciences, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, has qualified B.Com examination and has also qualified M.A (Arabic) & M.A (Islamic Studies) examinations. In addition to that he is Hafiz-e-Quran and has a postgraduate diploma in Islamic Studies & Arabic Language from Islamic University of Madina Munawwara, Saudi Arabia (KSA). He has also been awarded a certificate titled “Licentiate in Shariah & Social Sciences”
It is also worth stating that Dr. Hafiz Hussain Azhar was awarded with degree of Doctor of Philosophy from University of Karachi in year 2011.
Area of Interest
- Quran
- Tafseer
- Hadith
- Jurisprudence
- Islamic History
- Comparative studies of religions
- Role of Family Institution in the Islamic Society
- Sarwar, D.M., Azhar, D. H. H., (2022). اسلامی بینکوں میں لیکویڈیشن کی بنیاد پر اثاثوں کی فروخت (Sale of Assets on Liquidation Basis in Islamic Banks), “Central European Management Journal, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore, Lahore, 5 (2), 189-200.
- Sarwar, D.M., Azhar, D. H. H., (2021). جانوروں کے مسائل و مشکلات اور انکا اسلامی حل (Problems of Animals and their Islamic Solution), “Al-Tabyeen, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore, Lahore, 5 (2), 189-200.
- Nazar, H,A., Azhar, H. H., (2020). کی حیثیت و حجیّت : ایک جائزہ تفسیر قرآن میں اقوالِ صحابہ (The legal Status of Sayings of the Prophet’s Companions in the Interpretation of the Quran: An Appraisal), “Al-Afkar, Institute of Social Sciences & Development,
Karachi, 4(2), 27-38. - Saeedullah, Azhar, D. H. H., (2020). Contribution of Muslim Scholars to Mathematics and Physics in Banu Abbas Regime, “Al-Qalam, Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 25 (2), 387-396.
- Zubair, D. H. M., Azhar, D. H. H., (2018). ایک تعارفی مطالعہ : یورپی مجلس برائے افتاء و تحقیق (European Majlis fociftah and Research: An Introductory Study), “Al-Qalam, Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 23 (2), 433-452.
- Madni, H. H., Azhar, H. H., (2018). نبی مکرم کے غیض و غضب کی کیفیات (Anger & Resentment of the Holy Prophet and its Repercussions), “Jihat Al-Islam, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 11 (2), 383-396.
- Zubair, D. H. M., Azhar, D. H. H., (2018). اجتماعی اجتہاد اور قانون سازی (Collective Ijtihad and Legislation), “Al-Qalam, Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 23 (1), 137-164.
- Zubair, H. M., Azhar, H., (2017). فتاویٰ عالمگیری ایک تعارفی مطالعہ (Fatawa Alamgiri: An Introduction), “Al-Adwa Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 32 (47), 37-56.
- Zubair, D. H. M., Azhar, D. H. H., (2017). قانون اتمام حجت اور قانون جہاد : ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
(The Law of Completion of Evidence and the Law of Jihad: An Analytical Study), Rushd, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Institute for Social Sciences, Lahore, 13 (7), 86-112. - Azhar, D. H. H., (2016). الموسوعہ الفقہیہ الکویتیہ کا خصوصی مطالعہ (Special study of Al-Musua
Al-Fiqhiyyah Kuwaiti), “Al-Tafseer, Majlis-e-Tafseer, Tehqiq-o-Tafseer Welfare Association, Karachi, 10 (28), 108-119. - Azhar, D. H. H., Zubair, D. H. M., (2016). تصور ،تاریخ ، ضرورت اور حجیت: شورائی اجتہاد (Shorai Ijtihad ۔ Concept, History, Necessity and Authority), “Al-Qalam, Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 21 (2), 71-84.
- Azhar, D. H. H., Shoab Khan. M., (2016). محدثین اور فقہاء کا نقطہ نظر : خبر واحد کی حجیت
)The authority of Khabar Wahid: the perspective of Muhadditheen and Jurists( , Rushd, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Institute for Social Sciences, Lahore, 12 (6), 58-76. - Azhar, D. H. H., Abdul Gaffar, D., (2016). فقہاء کی نظر میں : حدیث مرسل ( Hadith Mursal: In the eyes of the jurists), Rushd, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Institute for Social Sciences, Lahore. 12 (5), 111-125.
- Zubair, D. H. M., Azhar, H. H., (2015). Legislative and Non Legislative Verbal Sunnah: An Analytic Study, The Islamic Culture: Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Karachi (Vol. XXXIII), 7-17.
- Madni, H. A. R., Azhar, H. H., (2015). امام بخاری کا تصور قیاس(تجقیقی اور تجزیاتی مطالعہ) (Imam Bukhari`s Concept of Anlogy), “Al-Adwa Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 30 (44), 265-284.
- Nazar, D. H. A., Azhar, D. H. H., Madni, D. H. M., (2015).
حدیث اور سنت کا تصور ( جدید افکار کا تنقیدی جائزہ), (Concept of Hadith and Sunnah (Critical Review of Modern Thoughts), “Al-Qalam, Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 20 (1), 94-115. - Azhar, D. H. H., (2014). والدین کے معاشی اور معاشرتی حقوق(Economic and social rights of parents), Rushd, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Institute for Social Sciences, Lahore, 10 (2), 100-117.
- Azhar, H. H., Madni. H. H., Madni, H. H., (2014). مساجد میں بچوں کی آمد اور اُن کی صف بندی (Islamic Injunctions concerning Children`s Arrival in Mosques), “Al-Adwa Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 29 (42), 143-160.
- Azhar, D. H. H., (2014). اقوال رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی تشریعی حیثیت (Legislative status of the Saying of Holy Prophet (PBUH)), “Al-Qalam, Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, 19 (1), 314-325.
- Zubair, D. H. M., Azhar, D. H. H., (2014). Islamic Sharia Teachings and Practices for Preventing Bullying, “American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Center for promoting Ideas, USA, 4 (1), 254-265.
- Azhar, H. H., (2010). زبان کی لغزشیں اور اسلامی تعلیمات (Ambiguities in Speeches and Islamic Teaching), “Ahya-ul-Uloom” Department of Quran & Sunnah, Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, Karachi, 6, 110-124.
Projects Awarded
- “Female Adolescent Domestic Worker`s Reproductive Health Needs and Challenges in Punjab, Pakistan” by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
- “Encyclopedia of Quranic Verses and Prophetic Traditions from Saheeh al Bukhari on Animal Related Matters” by Dar us Salam, Al-Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- “Digital Indexation of HEC Recognized and Non-Recognized Research Journals” by Islamic Research Council, Lahore.
Currently represented
- Chairman Department of Social Sciences, UVAS, Lahore.
- Member of Academic Council, UVAS, Lahore.
- Member Faculty Board of Studies – Faculty of Bioscience, UVAS, Lahore.
- Member as Subject Expert, Board of Studies of Islamic Studies, UET, Lahore.
- Member of Time Table Committee.
- Convener Hifz-e-Quran Test Committee.
- Member Departmental Board of Studies, UVAS, Lahore.
- Member Advisory Committee Qirat & Naat UVAS, Lahore
- External Examiner of different affiliated Colleges and Universities
- Course In-charge, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies and Holy Quran Translation for all degree programs, UVAS, Lahore
- Member of Eligibility Determination Committee in the discipline of Social Sciences.
- Member for Youth Entrepreneurship Society / Advisory Committee from Faculty of Bioscience.
Conferences / Workshop/ Trainings as Resource Person and invited Guest
- Organized a Seminar on "Current issues of the Youth and their Solution for a Peaceful Co-existence" organized by Qirat & Naat Society in collaboration with Department of Social Sciences at Main Auditorium, Akram Complex, Ravi Campus, UVAS, Pattoki. (12 January, 2022).
- Organized a conference entitled "سیرت النبی ﷺ کانفرنس" organized by Qirat & Naat Society and Senior Tutor Office at Auditorium Hall, City Campus, UVAS, Lahore. (17 November, 2021).
- Participation as resource person in an online program entitled
"محفل میلاد مصطفیﷺ بسلسلہ رحمت العالمینﷺ" organized by Qirat & Naat Society and Senior Tutor Office, City Campus, UVAS, Lahore. (18 October, 2021) - Participation as resource person in a program in an online seminar on the topic “Importance of Animals in the light of Islamic Teachings”. (30 December, 2020)
- Participation as resource person in a program entitled
“فتنوں کا دور” live on official face Book page of Quran Naat Society, UVAS, Lahore. (11 December, 2020) - Participation as resource person in a program entitled
“رمضان اور قرآن” live on official face Book page of Quran Naat Society, UVAS, Lahore. (20 May, 2020) - Participation as resource person in a program entitled
“بین الاقوامی محفل تجویدوقراآت” at Jamia Lahore Al Islamia, Lahore
(02 March, 2019) - Participation as resource person in Two days Seminar entitled
“عظیم علمی، فکری علماء کنونشن” at Jamia Lahore Al Islamia, Lahore
(13-14 October, 2018) - Participation in Two days “International Conference on Poultry Processing” at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.(1st & 2nd November, 2017).
- Resource Person on the topic of “Effect of sins on the Human life” at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore (06th April, 2017).
- Resource Person on the topic of “Principles of Successful life in the light of Qur'an & Sunnah” at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. (09th March, 2017).
- Series of Lectures on weekly basis as Resource Person on the topic of “Life of Muhammad” at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore
(October, 2015 to April 2016).
Conferences and Workshops (Attended)
- Participation as Judge in “Inter-departmental Qiraat and Naat Competition, 2022” organized by Qiraat and Naat Society of Senior Tutor office at UVAS, Lahore (August 10, 2022).
- Participation as Judge in “5th All Pakistan Qiraat and Naat competition” organized by Qiraat and Naat Society of Senior Tutor office at UVAS, Lahore (June 23, 2022).
- Participation in a workshop on “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS” organized by ORIC at Veterinary Academy, UVAS Lahore, Lahore (02 June, 2022).
- · Participation in a Seminar talk by “Muhammad Ali, renowned motivational Speaker, Youth Icon, Young Inspiration, "Senior Trainer and Counselor at Youth Club" organized by Qirat & Naat Society and Senior Tutor Office at Amphitheater, Pasha Block, UVAS Lahore (01 December, 2021).
- · Participation in a workshop on “Qirat, Naat and Azaan” organized by QNS at UVAS, Lahore (13 February, 2020).
- Participation in a Seminar on “Battle of Heart & Mind” at UVAS, Lahore (31 December, 2019).
- Participation in a Seminar on “Research Methodologies and Ethics” at UVAS, Lahore (26 December, 2019).
- · Participation as Judge in “4th all Pakistan Qiraat & Naat Competition” at UVAS, Lahore. (14 November, 2019).
- · Participation in a Conference entitled “قومی کانفرتس سیرت النبی ﷺ اور عصری سماجی تحدیات” at Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore. (12 November, 2019).
- · Participation in an International Parasite ology Conference on “Food Safety Through Parasite Control” at UVAS, Lahore. (06 November, 2019).
- · Participation in a workshop on “How to win a research grant” organized by ORIC at UVAS, Lahore (10 September, 2019).
- · Participation in Two days “International Seerah Conference” organized by Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore, Lahore (04-05 March, 2019).
- Participation in a seminar on “فکر اقبال” at UVAS, Lahore (29 November, 2018).
- Participation in Two days national Conference on “پیغام پاکستان اور قومی بیانیہ” at Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore (28-29 November, 2018).
- Participation in an International Conference on “Contemporary Research Trends & Resale Noor” at Department of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore (26 November, 2018).
- Participation as Judge in “3rd all Pakistan Qiraat & Naat Competition” at UVAS, Lahore (15th November, 2018).
- Participation in Two days “International Conference on Poultry Processing” at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.(1- 2 November, 2017).
- Participation in a Seminar on “Broiler Production Management” at UVAS, Lahore (23 October, 2018).
- Participation in two weeks training workshop program on “Narrowing the Industry-Academia Gap” at HEC Regional Centre, Lahore Organized by Amal Academy with the collaboration of Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (3-11 May 2017).
- Participation in Two days 1st National Conference on “Recent Advances in Functional Foods”, Organized by Department of Dairy Technology (October 5-6, 2016).
- Organized a seminar entitled “Current issues of the youth and their solution for a peaceful co-existence” arranged by Qirat & Naat Society with the collaboration of Department of Social Sciences, UVAS, Lahore at Main Auditorium, Akram Complex, UVAS Pattoki (12 January, 2022).
- Organized a conference entitled "سیرت النبی ﷺ کانفرنس" organized by Qirat & Naat Society and Senior Tutor Office at Auditorium Hall, City Campus, UVAS, Lahore. (17 November, 2021).
- Organized a Webinar entitled "Eternal Success lies in the following Seerat e Nabwi ﷺ” through Facebook live, organized by IDEAS and Department of Social Sciences, UVAS, Lahore (16 October, 2021).
- Organized an online workshop entitled “Mastering the Art of CV & Purpose Statement Writing” organized by Department of Social Sciences, UVAS, Lahore (17 June, 2021).
- Organized an online seminar on the topic “Importance of Animals in the light of Islamic Teachings”. (30 December, 2020).
- Organized a Seminar entitled “فتنوں کا دور” live on official face Book page of Quran Naat Society, UVAS, Lahore. (11 December, 2020).
- Organized a Seminar on “Battle of Heart & Mind” at UVAS, Lahore (31 December, 2019).
- Organized a parliamentary Debating Competition on”ثقافتی حدود اور آزادیِ نسواں” at UVAS, Lahore (15 April, 2019).
- Organized a workshop entitled ”Poetry Writing” at UVAS, Lahore (13th Dec, 2018).
- Organized a seminar entitled ”Child Labour Rehabilitation” at UVAS, Lahore (03rd May, 2018)
- Organized 3rd all Pakistan Intervarsity Poetry Competition entitled ” بقائے فکر جون ” at UVAS, Lahore (24th April, 2018).
- Organized a Seminar entitled ” نکاح نامہ ایک سوال ” as Chief Coordinator at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore (13th April, 2017).
- Organized a workshop entitled ”Islamic Banking In Pakistan: Principles and Practice” as Chief Coordinator at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore (15th September, 2015).
Invited Reviewer / Evaluator
- میں (Ethical and educational aspects of Saraya in contemporary context(, Sana Safdar, PIS 02213028, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2023/1082 dated April 18, 2023.
- الہامی ادیان میں ارتداد کا معاصر قانون سے تقابلی مطالعہ (A comparative study of apostasy in inspired religions with contemporary law(, Asma Shamim, PIS 01201012, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2023/0437 dated February 01, 2023.
- مجلس التحقیق الاسلامی لاہور کی علمی و دینی خدمات ۔ ایک تحقیقی جائزہ (Scientific and religious services of Islamic Research Council, An exploratory review(, Javaria Zulfiqar, PIS 02211001, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2023/0362 dated January 26, 2023.
- تبیان القرآن میں مولانا غلام رسول سعیدی کا سلف سے اختلافات کا علمی جائزہ (Maulana Ghulam Rasool Saeedi's scholarly review of differences with the Salaf in Tabiyan al-Qur'an(, Muhammad Farooq, PIS 01191001, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2023/0159 dated January 17, 2023.
- جدید معاشی مسائل میں علمائے کراچی کی خدمات (1947۔2021) (Services of Karachi`s Ulemas in modern economic problems (1947-2021), Hafiz Ghulam Fareed, PIS 01193004, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/5347 dated November 18, 2022.
- سیرت النبی از ڈاکٹر علی محمد صلابی کا منہج و اسلوب ( ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ) (Manhaj and Style of Sirat-ul-Nabi by Dr. Ali Muhammad Salabi (A Research Study), Rehana Sarwar, PIS 02203012, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/5115 dated October 28, 2022.
- احادیث صحیحین میں نبی کریم کے خطابات استفہامیہ کے اسرار و حکم (Secrets and Commandments of Prophet's Speeches in Ahadith of Sahihain), Rehana Sarwar, PIS 02203012, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/4668 dated September 09, 2022.
- مرویات صحابہ پر سیدہ عائشہ کے استدرکات (الاجابہ للزرکشی) کی روشنی میں تقابلی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ (A comparative and analytical study in the light of Sayyida Aisha's Istidarakat (alajaba lalzarkshi) on Marwiyat Sahaba., Abdullah Akhtar, PIS 02203011, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/4667 dated September 09, 2022.
- قرآن مجید کا طرز مجادلہ (جہات و اسلوب) (Argument style of the Holy Qur'an (aspects and styles), Nasreen Sadaf, PIS 01173005, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/4287 dated August 18, 2022.
- خلفاء بنو امیہ کے خدمات حدیث کا تحقیقی جائزہ (A research review of the services of the Caliphs Banu Umayyad regarding Hadith), Shabia Kausar, PIS 01193016, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/4287 dated August 18, 2022.
- اشرف الوسائل از ابن حجر ہیثمی اور جمع الوسائل از ملا علی قاری کے مناہج و اسالیب کا تقابلی جائزہ) Ashraf al-Wasail by Ibn Hajar Haythami and Jum al-Wasail by Mulla Ali Qari, a comparative review of the methods and styles), Sohail Ahmad, PIS 01193012, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/3751 dated June 27, 2022.
- سامی ادیان میں تصور حیاء (تحقیقی و تقابلی جائزہ) (The Concept of Modesty in Semitic Religions (Research and Comparative Review), Fakiha Rehman, 70112945, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/3412 dated April 15, 2022.
- فیوض الباری شرح صحیح بخاری کا منہج و اسلوب ( سید محمود احمد رضوی) (Fayuz Al-Bari Sharh Sahih Bukhari's Methods and Style (Syed Mahmood Ahmad Rizvi), Syeda Maryam Ali, PIS 01193011 The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/EVR/DIS/2022/3326 dated April 13, 2022.
- فارس (ایران) کے معروف محدثین کی خدمات (تیسری صدی ہجری کے تناظر میں) (The services of famous Muhaddithians of Persia (Iran) (in the context of the 3rd century Hijri), Abdul Basit, 70083105, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/Evaluation/DIS/2021/2380 dated December 11, 2021.
- پنجاب کے نقشبندی علماء ومشائخ کا ختم نبوت میں کردار (Role of Naqshbandi Ulemas and Mashaykhs of Punjab in Khatam e Nabubat), Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, PIS 01171033, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/Evaluation/DIS/2021/1235 dated March 24, 2021.
- مفتی محمد قادری بحیثیت سیرت نگار(تحقیقی وتنقیدی مطالعہ) (Mufti Muhammad Qadri as Biographer (Research and Critical Study)), Muhammad Daud Aslam, PIS 01161017, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/Evaluation/DIS/2021/1234 dated March 24, 2021.
- حدیث میں مذکور قصص حیوانات (عبر ونصائح اور احکام ومسائل) (Stories of animals mentioned in the hadith (Advice, advice and rulings, solutions)), Ateeqa Rehman, PIS 01181001, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/Evaluation/DIS/2021/1018 dated January 11, 2021.
- مرویات سید انس کی روشنی میں احکام اطفال (عصر حاضر میں استفادہ کی صورتیں) (The rules of children in the light of Marwiat Sayyed Anas (contemporary forms of usage)), Ateeqa Rehman, PIS 01161003, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/Evaluation/DIS/2021/1013 dated January 11, 2021.
- علمائے جامعہ اشرفیہ لاہور کی خدمات تفسیر (Tafsir services of Jamia Ashrafia Lahore scholars), Hanif Ahmed, PIS 01173035, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/Evaluation/DIS/2020/334 dated November 27, 2020.
- جیل خانہ جات میں اسلامی تحریکوں کا تبلیغی کردار (Preaching role of Islamic movements in prisons), Muhammad Tanveer Aslam, PIS 01153002, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/Evaluation/DIS/2020/333 dated November 27, 2020.
- تحریک ختم نبوت میں علامہ احسان الہٰی کی علمی اور سیاسی خدمات (Scholarly and political services of Allama Ehsan Elahi in Tehreek Khatm e Nabubt), Nabeela Zaheer, PIS 01191012, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2020/029 dated September 21, 2020.
- مولانا حمید الدین فراہی کے تفسیری تفردات (Maulana Hameed-ud-Din Farahi's exegesis), Hafiz Muhammad Abbas Shaheen, PIS 01163063, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2020/029 dated September 21, 2020.
- کتاب البیوع کی احادیث کی شروح کا تقابلی مطالعہ( شرح صحیح مسلم از سعیدی ، تکملہ فتح الملہم از عثمانی اور تحفۃ المسلم از علوی کی روشنی میں (A comparative study of the interpretations of the hadiths of Kitab al-Bayu (in the light of Sharh Sahih Muslim by Sa’eedi, Takmulah Fateh al-Mulham by Usmani and Tuhfat al-Muslim by Alavi)), Khurram Shahzad, PIS 01163045, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2020/021 dated August 07, 2020.
- مسلم ذبیحہ اور جدید مسائل (ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ) (Muslim Slaughter and Modern Issues (An Analytical Study)), Hafiz Naeem ur Rehman, PIS 01161010, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2020/021 dated August 07, 2020.
- یہود ونصاریٰ سے متعلق روایات اور عصری اطلاق (شروحات بخاری ومسلم کی روشنی میں) (Traditions related to Jews and Christians and contemporary application (in the light of interpretations of Bukhari and Muslim)), Madeeha Riaz, PIS 01153051, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2020/003 dated February 07, 2020.
- مکی اور مدنی سورتوں میں اختلاطِ آیات کا تحقیقی جائزہ (A research review of mixing verses in Makki and Madani Surahs), Noor Wali Khan, PIS 01171011, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2020/003 dated February 07, 2020.
- مرویات حضرت علی کی روشنی میں سیرت النبی کا مطالعہ ( کتب اہل سنت واہل تشیع کے تناظر میں) (A Study of the Prophet's Biography in the Light of Hazrat Ali's Marwiat (in the light of Books of Ahl al-Sunnah and Shia)), Muhammad Amir, PIS 01173008, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/046 dated October 23, 2019.
- تفسیر الحسنات کے منہج واسلوب کا تحقیقی جائزہ (A research review of the method & styles of Tafsir al-Hasanat), Zoha Fatima, PIS 01173019, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/046 dated October 23, 2019.
- قرآن کی سائنسی آیات کا تقابلی جائزہ (تبیان القرآن از سعیدی اور بیان القرآن از ڈاکٹر اسرار احمد کی روشنی میں) (A comparative review of the scientific verses of the Qur'an (in the light of Tabiyan Al-Qur'an by Saeedi and Bayan Al-Qur'an by Dr. Israr Ahmad)), Aziz Khan, PIS 01173014, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/039 dated July 10, 2019.
- امام ابن ابی شیبہ رحمہ اللہ اور ان کی خدمات حدیث (ایک تحقیقی مقالہ) (Imam Ibn Abi Shaiba (may God have mercy on him) and his services in Hadith (a research paper)), Irfan, PIS 01173020, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/020 dated April 25, 2019.
- مثالی معاشرہ کی تعمیر و تشکیل سورہ الحجرات کی روشنی میں (Building and forming an ideal society in the light of Surah Hujarat), Salma Bhutto, PIS 01143030, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/020 dated April 25, 2019.
- عصر حاضر میں خواتین کے مسائل (روایات عائشہ کہ روشنی میں) (Women's issues in contemporary times (narrations of Aisha in light)(, Ayesha Younas, PIS 01153011, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/015 dated March 21, 2019.
- قرآن اور صاحب قرآن کے مشترکہ اسماء( ایک تحقیقی جائزہ) (Common Names of Qur'an and Sahib Qur'an (A Research Review)), Muhammad Yaseen Khan, PIS 01151044, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/015 dated March 21, 2019.
- مراسیل ابو داؤد اور مراسیل ابن ابی حاتم کا تقابلی جائزہ) (A comparative review of Marasil Abu Dawud and Marasil Ibn Abi Hatim), Zakir Ullah, PIS 01153087, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/007 dated 17 January, 2019.
- تفسیر طبری کا اردو ترجمہ اور تحقیقی تعلیقات (جلد 14، نصف دوم) (Urdu translation of Tafsir al-Tabari and research notes (Volume 14, half II)), Hafiz Khalil Rehman, PIS 01153066, The University of Lahore vide letter No. COE/A&I/2019/007 dated 17 January, 2019.
Graduate Students Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
- عائلی زندگی سے متعلق آیات احکام اور جدید انسانی فکر کا تنقیدی جائزہ (A critical review of verses and commandments related to family life and modern human thought), Zakir Ullah, DIS01193002, The University of Lahore (Fall 2019).
- فن حدیث میں خطیب بغدادی کی خدمات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ (A Research Study of Khatib Baghdadi's Services in Hadith Studies), Hafiz Muhammad Yasin, DIS01193001, The University of Lahore (Fall 2019).
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)
- شرح السنہ کی تدوین میں امام بغوی کا منہج و اسلوب (ایک تحقیقی جائزہ) (Imam Baghwi's Manhaj and Style in Editing Sharh al-Sunnah (A Research Review), Rhmana Kausar, PIS02203013, The University of Lahore (Fall 2020).
- قرآن کریم پر لغوی اعتراضات کا تحقیقی جائزہ (A research review of lexical objections to the Holy Quran), Muhammad Riaz, PIS 01193009, The University of Lahore (Fall 2020).
- اشاعت حدیث میں مکتبہ دارالسلام کی خدمات کا تحقیقی جائزہ (A research review of the services of Maktaba Darul Salam in the publication of hadith), Memoona Rafiq, 70083111, The University of Lahore (Spring 2020).
- امام ابن حبان کی علوم حدیث میں خدمات (Imam Ibn Hibban's services in the sciences of Hadith), Samreena Shireen, 70083034, The University of Lahore (Spring 2020).
- ابن دقیق العید کی خدمات حدیث (Hadith services of Ibn Daqeeq ul Aid), Nisar Ahmad, PIS 01201017, The University of Lahore (Spring 2020).
- فقہ وافتاء میں مولانا گوہر رحمان کا منہج واسلوب (تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ) (Maulana Gauhar Rehman's Manhaj and Style in Jurisprudence and Afta (Research and Analytical Study)), Qusair Siddique, 37-382-US/14F, University of Sargodha (2014).
- مولانا حمید الدین فراہی کے تفسیری تفردات (تنقیدی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ) (Maulana Hameed-ud-Din Farahi's Exegesis (Critical and Analytical Study)), Muhammad Kousar, 21-382-US/14F, University of Sargodha (2014).
- نحو قرآنی تحقیقی مطالعہ (Syntax Qur'anic Research Study), Zaheer Ahmad Khan, 20-382-US/14F, University of Sargodha (2014).
- امام بخاری بحیثیت ناقد حدیث (Imam Bukhari as a hadith critic), Muhammad Riaz, 11-382-US/14F, University of Sargodha (2014).
- تفسیر فتح المنان میں ربط آیات وسور : تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ (Tafsir Fath al-Manan on Linked Verses and Surahs: A Research and Analytical Study), Muhammad Yasin, 09-382-US/14F, University of Sargodha (2014).
- پاکستان میں مزدوروں کے مروجہ قوانین اور اسلامی احکام تقابلی مطالعہ (A Comparative Study of Prevailing Labor Laws and Islamic Injunctions in Pakistan), Hafiz Ali Raza, 24-382-US/13, University of Sargodha (2013).
- مطالعہ تصوف اور علمائے اہل حدیث تحقیقی مطالعہ (Studies of Sufism and Scholars of Ahl al-Hadith Research Study), Muhammad Ashraf, 23-382-US/13, University of Sargodha (2013).
- گرو گرنتھ صاحب میں اسلامی تعلیمات سے استفادہ (Use of Islamic teachings in Guru Granth Sahib), Hafiz Muhammad Zeeshan, 21-382-US/13, University of Sargodha (2013).
- جماعت المسلمین تاریخی نظریاتی مطالعہ (Jamaat al-Muslimeen historical & theoretical study), Muhammad Usman, 17-382-US/13, University of Sargodha (2013).
- نقطہ و افتاء میں حافظ عبد اللہ محدث روپڑی کا منہج واسلوب (Hafiz Abdullah Muhaddith Ropari's mannerisms in Point and Afta), Abdul Rehman Abid, 05-382-US/13, University of Sargodha (2013).
- احیائے امت کا تصور، سید مودودی اور امام خمینی کے افکار کا تقابلی مطالعہ (The concept of revival of the Ummah, A comparative study of the thoughts of Sayyed Maududi and Imam Khomeini), Hafiz Ali Ahmad, 04-382-US/13, University of Sargodha (2013).
Awards and Scholarships
- Letter & Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding contribution to the Administrative & Academic Achievement during the period of COVID-19 pandemic by Faculty of Bioscince, University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore.
- Nominated by HEC for the Creation of a Multi – Volume Islamic Encyclopedia by the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan 22-04-2021
- Letter of Appreciation by PVMC (Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council) 14-01-2019