Dr. Arshad Hussain Hashmi
B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D.
Director (BIC)
Mobile: +92 300 4586603
Phone No. +92 42 37243918
Email: d.bic.uvas.edu.pk
He completed his B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture in 1989 from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF).Then he completed his law degree from Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan in (1998), after that he completed his M.Sc. (Hons.) in Agricultural Economics again from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF). And in 2008 he completed his PhD, from UAF on Role of Livestock towards Poverty Alleviation in Punjab Province.
He worked in different national and multinational organizations like University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, USAID, SMEDA, Punjab Board of Investment & Trade, DeLaval, Agribusiness Development & Diversification Project, Faysal Bank, Pakistan Horticulture Authority, on Senior Management Positions and represented Pakistan on Different national and international forums.
Dr. Hashmi area of interest is Entrepreneurship, Business Planning, Concept Development, Quality Management, Training and Development of workforce especially in the livestock sector and Creation of New Ventures. He has been involved in designing and executing many training in and outside Pakistan.
He has written many research articles and booklets on different topics related Economics Development and Poverty Alleviation
Before joining Business Incubation Centre at UVAS, he has worked on many valuable projects in the public and private sector which would ultimately help us in up-graduation of livestock sector in Pakistan and also help us in eliminating the poverty form the society.
Dr. Arshad Hussain Hashmi Joined University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences as Director Business Incubation Centre on April 6, 2012. His mailing address is given below
- Dairy Farm Management & Administrative Skills Development
Institution: National Rural Support Program, Islamabad (2010)
- Dairy Media Management & Livestock Services
Institution: National Rural Support Program, Islamabad (2010)
- The Heart and Art of Selling
Institution: Faysal Bank Training and Learning Centre, Lahore (2009)
- One Week Training Program on Agriculture Financing
Institution: State Bank of Pakistan, Rawalpindi (2009)
- DeLaval Farm Management Diploma Course (2005)
Institution: DeLaval AB, Tumba, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Orientation Training of New Inducted Batch of Scientists (2001)
Institution: National Agri. Research Centre (NARC, Islamabad).
- Advance Computer Training (1993)
Institution: DRA Software Training Centre (USA)
- Computer Training (1993)
Institution: Economic and Policy Analysis Project, Islamabad.
- Basic Computer Training (1992)
Institution: Economic and Policy Analysis Project, Islamabad.
- “Marketing Margins Analysis of Seed Cotton in District Khanewal” Paper submitted for publication
- “Hedonic Price Analysis for Inland Fish in District Faisalabad” Paper submitted for publication
- “Food Demand Patterns in Pakistani Punjab” Sarhad J. Agric. Vol. 27, No. 2, 2011.
- “Sustainable Agriculture through Women Contribution in Livestock Production” Paper submitted to Faculty of Agriculture, Rawalakot, The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
- “Poverty Alleviation by Women in Pakistan’s Economy through Labour Contribution in Textile Sector” Paper submitted for Publication to American Institute of Pakistan Studies Islamabad.
- “Gender Roles in Livestock Management and Their Implications for Poverty Reduction in Rural Toba Tek Singh, Punjab-Pakistan. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol. 44(4), 2007
- “Improvement of Agro-Industrial SMEs in Pakistan”. Seminar on Improving the Quality of Products of Small and Medium scale Agro-industrial Enterprises at Surabaya, Indonesia (July 13-20 July, 2005) funded by APO-Japan.
- “Information Communication Technologies and Agricultural Commodities in Pakistan” Training Course on Information and Communication Technology for Farmers’ Associations/Agricultural Cooperatives at Tehran, Iran (10-20 December 2004), funded by Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo-Japan.
- “Role of SMEs in Sustainable Dairy Development in Pakistan,” Seminar on Sustainable Dairy Development for Poverty Reduction in Pakistan.” APO/NPO funded International Seminar at UAF (22-27 November, 2004), Faisalabad-Pakistan
- “Future of Beef Industry in Pakistan” International Beef Conference, IFCN, FAL, Braunschweig, Germany, July 19-23, 2004.
- “Economics of Growing Winter Vegetables in Multan” ENTREPRENEUR, Vol.01, No. 01, April-June, 2004.
- “Dairy Safety and Hygiene-Asian Experience-Pakistan” Paper presented at International Symposium on Dairy Safety and Hygiene, held at Cape Town, South Africa (March 2-5, 2004).
- “Quantitative Factors Affecting Yield of Cotton in the Punjab Province” ENTREPRENEUR, Vol.01, No.06, December, 2003.
- Support Services for Agriculture Credit (SSAC) in Pakistan” Paper presented at Seminar on Entrepreneurial Skills Development of Small Farmers/Farmer’s Groups for Agribusiness, 1-8, October, 2003, Tokyo-Japan.
- Sector in Focus, Agriculture-Cotton Pest Control,” ENTREPRENEUR” Vol. 01, No. 03, September, 2003.
- “Headway in Cotton Pest Control”, “Library News Bulletin of SMEDA” Vol. 1, Issue No. 4, 2003.
- “Farmers’ Practices of Maize Production and Consumption in AJK: Implications for Research and Extension” Socioeconomic Research Studies 2001-02. ISBN: 969-409-144-6
- “A review of Micro-Credit for Poverty Alleviation in Pakistan” Socioeconomic Research Studies 2001-2002. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad. ISBN: 969-409-139-X.
- "Migrants earnings at overseas job & extent of remittances transferred to their families in Pakistan" International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. Vol.2, No.3, July 2000.
- "A sociological investigation of murders in the Punjab (Pakistan) province". Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 37 (1-2) 2000.
- "Economics and constraints of/in apple production and marketing in Swat. Journal of Rural Development and Administration. Vol. XXX, No. 1 (Jan.-Mar, 1998).
- "An assessment of parent's reaction at the birth of their male and female children” The JAPS, Vol. 7, No. 3-4, 1997.
- "Export potential of Kino from Pakistan" Economic Review, Vol. XXVII, No.10, 1996.
- "Factors that contribute to potato yield in the Punjab: A case study of Okara District" Modern Agriculture, Vol.7, No.2, May 1996.
- "Ushr, Social Welfare and Development. A critical appraisal in Pakistan "Journal of Rural Development and Administration, Vol. XXVIII, No.3, Summer, July-Sept 1996.
- "Pakistan’s Opportunities for Expanding Crop Production: Economic and Foreign Exchange Impacts, Four Scenarios" Economic Wing Monograph No.4 (EW/MINFAC, Govt. of Pakistan.)
- "Food Marketing Margins in Pakistan (1984/85 through 1990/91)"Economic Wing Monograph No. 5 (EW/MINFAC, Govt. of Pakistan.)
- "Factors Contributing Towards Aversion of Virus Attack on Cotton Cropping the Punjab." Study was conducted under Agricultural Social Sciences Research Centre, Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
- Team member of "Agricultural Prices Study, Volume II", conducted by John Mellor Associates Inc. Washington DC, 20004 USA and Asianics Agro-Dev. International (Pvt.) Ltd. Islamabad, under an agreement with the Planning and Development Division, Government of Pakistan, financed by the World Bank, Washington, D.C.
- "Estimates of 1992 Flood Damages" Focusing on Kharif Crops with emphasis on Cotton (Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Islamabad).
- New Body Proposed for Dairy Development,” The Elite News”, January 2005.
- “Agriculture and Pakistan’s Economy” Monthly SUFFAR, Vol. 1, Issue 1, May, 2002.
- “Impact of WTO on Livestock Sector in Pakistan”, “Monthly SUFFAR” Vol.1, Issue No. 2, 2002